Chapter Twenty-five

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We took a couple steps into the jail hospital room. All was literally silent until we sat down in the chairs to wait and see them, both of them were being held in jail for public harassment. I know it actually sounds pretty stupid, but c'mon two older teen guys fighting in a damn apartment, and I bet it was even taken outside after too. I'm just so mad that Jack would actually do that, I mean Matt was my bully and he would hurt someone, at least that's the impression I will always have of him.
"Did you mean?" Jack asks me gently
"Mean you're perfect?" I ask back
"Uh yea" he says scratching the back of his neck looking behind himself
"You are, I mean you're just amazing" I say blushing like crazy. He looks at me slowly. "Listen to me." My ears open and my cheeks lower. "They don't know how to keep you happy, especially Matthew. You have to get it, that he hurts you and won't stop hurting you, I will help you get over it, I just can't bare to see you sad mads" he says getting grip of my cheeks.
A Tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it.
I let him let go slowly and I pull him in for hug.
"JACK GILINSKY" I hear someone scream in a husky voice, Jack and I get up to go to the table with the glass between us to talk to him.
I get up scared, I grab Jacks wrist and hide it behind our bodies. I let go when we sit down. "Hey Jack" I say "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Madeline I'm so sorry Madeline I can't stand to lose you. Madeline please I'm so sorry Madeline" his eyes puff up. "Jack" I stop him. "I'm sorry Madeline" he says again. "Wanna say it again?" I repeat with attitude. He lowers his head.
"Well I'm going to leave you alone for a second" Jack Johnson says.
I thank him as he walks into the waiting room. "If you knew I was drunk why would you take advantage of me?" "I-" he starts.
"You what? You were just playing with your dolls. Because you sure of hell can get them any time you want." "No please." He tried stopping me
A tear slips from his socket. He doesn't look like the crying type, I don't know why he is. "I thought you wanted and I wanted I asked I am not I am just-im just" before he doesn't shut up, I do it for him. "-You're just not talking English, if you don't see you lost everyone Jack. I don't know why you're fighting people for God sakes." I tell him in monotone. "You know you don't have to be such a b.itch about it right? I was just handling the problem for myself."
Now tears are filling my eyes but I brush them off because I'm stronger than that.
"A bitch? Solving?! Did you just say solving? Because sure of hell you didn't solve anything. You made everything. Worse!" I shout
"Then get out. Why are you here?" Boom. Like. Bus. "You're right. I don't know why I am. I thought you liked me I thought you cared but you're not going to change either. Everyone hates me and everyone will always hate me." I say. "Well I don't know about everyone else but I hate you now." He says and sits back into the chair he's in, he looks at the ground.
I wipe the one tear that fell from my eye. "I sure of hell didn't know you can be this way." I reply truthfully. "You're a bitch so why shouldn't I be this way?"
I throw my chair back as I walk away. "I never want to see or hear of you again Gilinsky." "For sure." He says.
I walk away and run into the washroom. The place is empty. I walked into the washroom and threw my hair out of the pony tail. I grabbed it and held it in tight grip, looking at myself in my reflection.
I hold my hair up high on both sides, my make up is everywhere. I see Matt in 20 minutes and I can't calm down. Everything's going down hill for me. Why? WHY?!
15 minutes later
"Where were you?!" Johnson asks me
"Washroom" I cover up
"What?" he asks
"Come over tonight Johnson?" I brush my bangs to the back, he nods, I turn around.
I take a seat at Matts table it lean my head against the glass and close my eyes. I open them 2 minutes later to matts forehead on the other side.
I lean back and wait for him to talk first. He doesn't do so. "Were not dating" I say ATTEMPTING to hold in all my tears. "It was a wrong choice" he says
"Oh really?" I ask "Do you want the truth? Because I want you to hear it" he says to me. "Go ahead" I lean back indicated I don't give a shit.
"I said to take the day off because you can't go a day without bringing up me bulling you, me hurting you, or me disrespecting you. You think that when you think those things and I see you sad that it only effects you?! NO!! I hate my life. You don't realize I hate it. I never wanted to do anything in the first place but now you look at me with disgust. Almost like I killed someone" he says almost crying.
"You killed me" I murmur. My eyes lower to the vision of my feet. They're shaking. He stops and looks me right in the eyes. Again I get up slowly, rub my arm awkwardly and pivot around to walk away.
'Madeline hold back your tears, at long as he can't see you crying, look dominant. Don't let him win again, you love him but you shouldn't there's no way of stopping love'

I hate my life. I hate it to the point I believe I'm a waste of space. I just cry for the rest of night until I'm let out of this place maybe I'll have some time to rethink everything over.

Theres no turning back.

My Adorable Bully (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now