Chapter Twenty

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"GET UP MADELINE" I get shaken roughly "wuhh?" I ask cameron "SCHOOL" he replies "gggggreat." I say. I roll off my bed, check my phone '6:27AM'

"THE BUS IS HERE IN 3 MINUTES WHAT THE FUCK CAM" I scream down the hallway as I rush into my washroom. "BE GLAD I EVEN WOKE YOU UP" he answers loud enough so I can hear him.
I throw my hair up in a messy bun, grab my phone, get random clothes on and run downstairs.
"you're so lucky you're not coming." I say as I shove a cookie in my mouth bite by bite. "Have fun princess, stay safe, take the bus and don't let anyone tell you what to do." I kiss him on the cheek and give him the biggest hug ever.
I let go and run out the door... "LOVE YOU "
I walk up onto the bus, I don't look anywhere, I take a seat close to the back and put my ear phones in. I click play. My favourite song plays once more. We all are seated in our ugly classroom. I decide to sit at the front corner, nobody ever sits here, so it's perfect. The teacher walks in yelling.
We all laugh and the boys start throwing things at the teacher. Again Matt tried to come up and confront me. 'I'm looking down at my phone tweeting a picture of the teacher #WeWild #WildLifeOnITunes'

I look up and shut off my phone, he kisses me on the lips and sits down, just enough time for his friend to notice him taking a seat. "MATTHEW, YOU WILL GET AIDS. GET AWAY FROM HER" his friend screams over the noise. Matt turns away from me slowly. Ouch.

*buzz buzz*

I look down at my phone to see "@jackgilinsky followed you" I shrieked. Matt turns around "what?!" I giggle it off, "hah nothing don't worry"
"nothing, go talk to your friends Matthew" I reply.
"please Madeline, I love you and I can't dare to say I don't. I just, haven't told my guys yet." "alright" I reply as dry as I can.
I look back down at my phone "@jackjackjohnson followed you" I scream this time. It's kind of weird they both followed me within the same minute or two.

*buzz buzz*
"direct message from @jackgilinsky, slide to read"
I swear to God what kinda joke is this..

I get up and sprint to the washroom as matthew sees me and runs after me, I sit down with the biggest smile on my face, I open my phone to see.
'Hey babe'
What is this.. I tap on Johnson's page and read his latest tweet. 'When gilinsky calls dibs'

"Madeline?" I hear a soft voice ask "yea?" I walk out "why are you crying?!" he asks. "HAHA IM NOT DONT WORRY!!"
"FUCK I DIDNT EVEN REPLY" I say running back in.
"Hi??" I reply
He didn't dm me anything back. Probably cause he was getting his dm's spammed. Or he just didn't mean to do that.

"Maddy?" I walk out I beggin to laugh "hahah sorry, ya know those vine famous peeps too, jack and jack?" I ask he nods in confusion. "Forget it"

later that night
"dm's: jack g"

'jack: what school do you go to?
me: um why do you wanna know?
jack: c'mon love
me: woodbine high, why?
jack: oh😏
me: 😳??
jack: I'll talk to you later x
me: um okayy byee 

keep calm...
3 days later.

I wake up in pain, my shoulder has a big knot in it. I roll out of bed and do my usual routine, I look pretty good today. I smile in the mirror. "You're worth it!" I pout at my reflection.

 I decide to sit at the front of my class again. I pull out my phone and go on my photos. The door swings open and everyone takes their seats. I'm still looking down at twitter now. I quickly look to see if it's the teacher, it is and she has people following behind her, I look back down. The teacher starts talking, "NEW STUDENTS FROM OMAHA!" I laugh, reminding me of Jack Gilinsky dm'ing me a few days ago. "Madeline what are you laughing at?" the teacher asks "Do I laugh loud Madame?" I give her attitude slowly looking up from my phone.

My eyes open up really wide for a split second. "EXCUSE ME MS. DALLAS" she yells. Jack Gilinsky laughs. And covers his mouth before he laughs louder. I smile, he winks at me. Links like puzzle pieces..

This jack kid walks in with his friend jack. Really? He fucking winked at my girl.

"I have a question" Jack J says "anything!" she replies. "Can Madeline show us around the school?" Jack Gilinsky asks "sure!" Oh no he just. Wow. Dammit.

I get up to walk towards the back of the classroom before a girl screams from the back. "AT LEAST THE UGLY SLUT IS LEAVING"

Jack Gilinsky turns his head in shock. I grab his arm and whisper
"Get used to it." I stare into his eyes, then lower them to the floor. He whips his arm out of my grabbing reach, and points to the girl who said it "shut up or your face will be ugly when I'm done with it." We all three walk out.
"Holy shit, uh thank you, you did not need to do that" I say

I brush my hair to the left and stick my hand out, "I'm Madeline, Dallas." I say and set off a giggle. They told me they knew Cam from Youtube and such. We start walking, "I'm Jack Johnson and this is Jack Gilinsky" JJ says

"Same names?" I ask "best friends since the beginning" Jack G answers "that's amazing!" "We talked on twitter a couple days ago" Jack G said.

shit he remembers

"Yea!" "So wait you know Wild Life?" Jack G asks "well umm" I pause and think for excuses "my brother plays it sometimes and I had it stuck in my head"I laugh in a low hiccup. NICE COVER UP GIRLLL "oh!" JJ says. "Yea, well this schools pretty simple and here's the washroom and the cafeteria and crap..."


"Yea, well this schools pretty simple and here's the washroom and the cafeteria and crap." Madeline says to Jack and I. She's fucking stunning. I stare into her greenish eyes and smile. Her hair falls perfectly past her face and ends near her chest, the shirt she is wearing makes her curves extend to a point I have never seen, her teeth line her lush lips gently but perfectly and her cheeks with her slim dimples, gahhh, she is beautiful. STOP.

"What?" she giggles again. "N-nothing" I say tuning back in "you're just gorgeous" I tell her without even caring because I bet she has heard that thousands of times before. Her eyes are mesmerizing "I lowkey ship it" Jack says. I hit my elbow on him. She laughs again, "you're not bad yourself, mister Gilinsky." She replies to me and bites her lip, turns around and walks into the caf,
"I'd bang her" I whisper in Johnsons ear
"bro" he yells back at me
"don't lie you would too." I tell him.
He shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head, "probably.."
"you guys coming?" she screams from inside the cafeteria. We walk towards her.
"Ask her to hang out later. We'll see how close our apartment is to her house" Jack is always clever with his ideas.


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