Chapter Four

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It's near the end of the Monday night and Matthew hasn't talked to me, until now at least. I was in science and got the graded assignment back. We, no I got an 85% on, he grabs my hand and pulls me over his chest and whispers "hey baby you look fine today."  I didn't understand what he meant about me looking "fine" because in all honesty, he hasn't ever said something to me like that before, but he made a cruel grin and my stomach felt uneasy. He also added a wink which made my body tense up but sort of made me blush a bit. I swear matthew looks so fucking cute but he's an actual devil.
I turn around as matthew is whispering to his friends about me. I know he is blabbing about me because I heard him mumble my name. Goosebumps appeared on my arms because I'm afraid of being alone.
The days went by like any days but it's a bit different without Cam home because I am so scared. A car horn outside, the rain that randomly starts pouring, the wing blowing a tree to hit my window, all makes me jump. As I wash the plate I used for dinner, I turn off my music and go into my bedroom. I look around for my bath robe and place my phone down on my night stand. My body aches, I decide to go take a shower or a bath.

At the house approximately 11 pm.
I turn on the running water on and as the shower slowly turns from cold to warm I comb my hair. I rinse my hand under the water to feel the temperature as it feels just right, I step in with both feet and squat down to hug my knees. I begin to touch my face. My scar on my cheek is scabbing and I rub it. I wince at the pain, I add soap to my hands and begin to scrub the scar along my cheekbone. Tears fill my eyes but don't fall down.
Warm steam fills the room and I sit in the tub relaxed and letting my emotions out.  The water chills my body out and allows it to relax a bit more. There's something that's bothering me though, almost like someone's watching me. Agitated, I get up and shower, wash my hair... ect.
When I'm done in the shower I get changed into my pyjamas, pack my school bag and eat a snack. There's a creek across the hall but I ignore it cause my doors are locked and I've been overthinking every small sound for the past day, you're overthinking Madeline. Just overthinking!
I try to take everything out of my head, I clear my mind and plan on to just fall asleep in bed, but every night Cam and I put the alarm on before we sleep. We do anything just to be safe, you know? Just to be safe. 

I walk roll out of bed. The alarm is located on the main floor. I walk by Cams room and look into it briefly just to see a figure of a person through his window at the corner of my eye. I stop walking and take a few steps back again to look at the same window, but nothing. The figure is just a trick of my mind playing with me, but no, should I trust my gut?
I walk down my hallway to the front door and to my total surprise, it's already open.
I look around and look outside for a split second. Nobody is anywhere to be seen.
This is nowhere near funny now. I looked outside the front door as the wind blasts my hair straight up and I jump in absolute shock.
This can be filed as assault or burglary.. This is no joke. My mind is stirring and my heart is racing. I look turn my head to the left again and see nothing so I shut the door and lock it. I turn my back to the door, lean against it and close my eyes. I put the alarm on and walk back up to my room.
I thought I left my room door open but once again, I ignore everything, including the goose bumps on my arms. I shake my head and walk into my room. I exhale deeply once I don't see anyone in the room but constant chills are being sent down my spine at this moment I can't even think straight. I hop into bed because by this time it's 11:38. I try and fall asleep but I just think about my brother, how I miss him, his security and the safeness I felt when he is around. It's not long until I hear a familiar creeking sound. This sound, has, is, was, that my door opening?!


The door slowly creeks. I was in a drift but I woke up and jumped to my feet due to the level of loudness it had reached. Maybe the sound isn't even that loud but the house is silent.
I get up and walk towards the doors, my hand hovering over the knob as it starts to turn, I walk backwards realizing I only have a couple seconds to hide.


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