Chapter Eight

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I hear my phone ring, just a buzzer no phone calls. I look around to see if it where my phone was, I looked around for a bit and wondered to myself as the buzzer rang again, maybe it's Matt, I get up anxiously as I find my phone under the pillow. I sit back down and open my phone reading:

"hey, how about in 5 mins you come over? we can chill out at my place" - taylor caniff. To be honest I don't really want to but what ever, it's sorta late already, I can come home soon and use that as an excuse.
Another message: "I want to talk to you privately tomorrow can you meet me in the alley? I promise I won't hurt you or touch you" - Matthew Espinosa
"IM HOME TOMORROW! I can't wait to give you the biggest hug ever♡" - cameron
I reply back to Taylor's text "okay"
I reply back to matts texts: "I don't know if I can trust you matthew, and why the f.uck do we need meet in the alley"
I reply to cams texts:

No. No no no. Wait. If Cameron has his phone, who's phone did I find in his room ?

My blood begins boiling. I grab the phone and try to use the finger scanner to open it. Doesn't work. If this were Cameron's phone, it would have opened cause my thumb is on his phone. I sit down at my kitchen table and stare at the phone that is right in front of me. I lock my hands and place them underneath my chin. "Okay phone, you're a secret now." Something fishy is going on and I really do not like this.

I get ready, I walk up stairs into my room and put on a crop top with short jean shorts, I walk over to Taylor's house, since it's only 15 mins away. As I'm walking I look up and see a big black cloud over ahead of me coming my way, I start to pace myself because the last thing I need is to be drenched in the rain by the time I get to Taylor's. I walk faster but it didn't help. I think I walked about 10 minutes in the pouring rain, bad downfall it was. I just gave up trying to save myself, I stood in front of Taylor's house, laughed in the rain and grabbed out my phone and I texted him to look out the window.
I see the window open and he laughs and comes to open the door for me. I stand in the front of his house soaked, I mean completely soaked. I just giggled it off. He reminded me that his parents weren't home so I could walk up to his room wet. I ran up the stairs and he pulled a baggy sweater and sweat pants onto the bed. I took them and walked into the washroom. He asked politely if he can use the washroom instead of me and I change in his room. He said he had to pee extremely badly so I just rolled my eyes and walked backwards.
He walks into the washroom, just once Madeline. Never ever do you have to see this kid again.
I spared some time while he was in his washroom, which was located in his room. I looked in the mirror and set my hair down out of the wet pony tail. I got out of my wet clothes and I was left in my under clothes.
I get the sweater as I quickly pull it over my head as I hear the washroom door open. I almost jump but I hit the wall and fell with my back against it. As he walks out and looks at me, his eyes widen a little but he laughs and helps me up. I put on my pants and he was just staring.
"Erm some privacy?" I ask with attitude, he let's out a simple giggle and responds "you're already changed." The rest of the time we watched The Fault in our Stars, but just on the part where they're eating dinner in the movie he looks at me, and leans in for a kiss. He pushed his lips against mine, I waited a while not kissing back, I hesitate to pull away. "Taylor," "Why not have some fun babe?" The flashback of Matt suddenly hits me, HARD. "I can't" I stop and get up, I hesitate, I look at him and walk out of the house quickly without a thought.
By this time of the day the rain stopped. I ran home, at least I think I did. It was dark, night time, about 11:40. I just couldn't stop hearing that sentence over and over again. What does a little bit of fun even mean. I hate this!
"Madeline?" I hear a scream. "Is that you?"
I turn and whip my head fast trying to find out where the voice came from. Drowning in my thoughts and in desperate need of help and moral company, when I found the source of voice, I run towards the voice into his arms.
"Cameron!" I hug.
The voice becomes shaky while holding me tightly and secure. "Madeline?" The voice repeats. I look up from the mans chest and into his blue eyes "Matthew-" I hesitate to look at his face once more. "Is everything alright?" he asks like he cares. "No, not at all. AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF YOU HATE ME!" I shout at him before running off and sitting down in the alley at the park just waiting until the morning.
I want matthew more than I want air. Or do I just want the affection? But I can't do this. What has he done to me?! I remember taylor. I remember our relationship. I don't want it again. I want Matthew. But he just wants to hurt me.

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