Chapter Nine

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Sunday morning I totally blur everything out. I didn't care about anyone because I was still so confused about the previous night. I got home at 4am from the park and I honestly didn't care about anything or anyone in this world until I got a text that vibrated on my night stand and woke me up. 
Matthew Espinosa: I'm waiting outside your house, come out and we will talk.
Me: how do I know your not going to hurt me?
Matthew Espinosa: come on, I promise.

I got changed out of my pyjamas and changed into sweat pants.. I put on a flowy top with long sleeves, like a cuddling shirt. I was so comfy I didn't want to leave the house. I went to the washroom and poured makeup on my wrist, used my beauty blender and I walked down my stairs. I peak out my front window to see Matt sitting on my porch, biting his nails looking at the floor. Pity, I don't need it. 
I applied a little bit of mascara to do its job and walked out with my vans. I stared at Matt walking out of my front door. We walked about five minutes to get to the park alley I felt my sweat pocket and noticed there was no phone, I looked back to trace it and still no phone on the floor., should I turn around, no, because who would I call if anything happens, and plus, I deserve it anyways for trusting this assh.ole in the first place. I just continued walking. I probably left it at home but just in case I kept my distance from him.
I turn my head to make my eyes face the path way. I slightly turned my head and looked up just a little to see Matthew staring and grinning but not the cynical smile I've seen, a normal one, just enough grin to make me smile. I giggle to make things not so much more awkward, until we reached the alley 10 mins later but by this time I told Matt, about my feelings towards him. I told him how he was attractive but I even told him he was a d.ick.
I slide down onto the ground with my back against the park walk that leads to the alley.
"love this place so much because hardly anyone ever comes." I say "I love it too... It's cool." "Matt I told you" I get up from off the floor slowly, angry that I tried to get comfortable. "I didn't care about anyone! I only cared about you, mainly because you were hurting me, ruining my life! And when thinking about someone so much just fu.cks with your mind, like are you going to hit me today? Have sex with me today? Push me off the bus? God knows, but wither way you were in my mind, I made up these senarios where-" He shuts me up by forcing his lips against mine I let it happen because at this moment I think the feelings go both ways. I of course pull away. "But." He puts his hands on his head. "You-you're never going to forgive me, are you?!" He asks. "I have to go." I say under my breath walking away quickly.
"Wait, no" He stops me. "I'm alone tonight, and I'm scared.." He smirks as he's joking. "You're scared? I still see the shadow in the window from that night you snook in." His eyes tilt down in shame. "I need affection, and just someone to be there for me tonight, please... big home, empty home..." He makes puppy dog eyes, I nod. Why did I nod? Why do I even have a soft spot for this douche?

I wake up, I look beside me and see Matt cradling me in his arms: I get up and put his hoodie on, and my sweat pants. I walk out noticing I still don't have my phone, I check his which isn't in his room.
I pause and my face goes blank.
"SUNDAY!" I shout. I sprint home, through the alley, all the way home to see no car home, I ran upstairs and checked my phone
One new text message.
I open it...
Cameron: I came home yesterday and even called people to see where you were. I left. See you at school. 

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