Chapter Sixteen

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Matthew and I both wake up to the sound of iPhone ringers going off, I glance over slowly at matthew as I see him rubbing his eyes but also getting the phone. As he grabs grip of it, he puts his arm around me.
"Hello?" he asks in his sleepy voice "okay matt I'm being serious I'm freaking out right now, it's all.." He clicks speaker and Cam continues "-my fault. I should've let her handle her problems, she's probably lost, we were the only ones who cared about her and we just let her go." Matthew starts "You let her go" he looks at me and places a kiss on my forehead. Although he's done this many times, he makes my stomach sink and refill with butterflies "-and I can't believe I wouldn't even go out to find her, I got home and her dress was torn off and thrown onto the floor, she looks like she took a hoodie and"
"-and shorts that got wet because it was raining" Matt finishes. There's silent on the other side of the line.
"Yea, Cameron, she kinda came over last night at like 12:00ish." "Why didn't you tell me I've been freaking out for 5 hours. Whatever, how's the condition she's in?" "She's fine, were sleeping now, she's in my clothes and underw," I slap Matt, he wanted to tell him as a joke "UH- under my blankets, warm of course." He corrects himself as I giggle. "Uhm alright, ok can she come home?"
"That's not my decision bud." Matt says and sneezes. Cam stays silent and there's an awkward pause between the phone line.
"Well keep her safe I'm going to get rest, tell her the home doors are open." Matthew shuts his phone.
"I don't want to go home" I start, Matt notices the crack in my voice due to the fact of me almost crying. He replies "don't worry babe you can stay here for as long as you'd like to" I cuddle up into his arms and fall back asleep. I decently role out of Matts bed, steam rolling on top of him, letting out a laugh and lying on top of him.
"Wake up sunshine" I say in Matthews face "ya um ya" he turns around to fall back asleep again forcing me off the bed and falling onto the floor. "MATT" I shout. I jump onto the bed, and sit on his tummy. "Get yo lazy ass up, I want waffles!" Matt huffs because of the fact I sat on him "waffles? and ms Madeline what do I get in return?" I make a thinking face while putting my hair up in a messy bun. Which takes one try, I know, applaud, call me a pro. "a kiss?" I reply questionably.
"Sounds good to me" he answers with a smirk that I soon wipe off and kiss him on the mouth, just a peck. He grabs me and kisses me again. I get up off him and run out of the room. "WAFFLES WAFFLES WAFFLES!!!" I chant
I start walking towards the puppy on the floor, "hey Burns" I stroke his back and head back to his room.
I walk back into the room "what now love?" matt asks
"I need pants" I say wearing his over sized hoodie and my underwear, he grabs a pair of shorts and gives them to me. "Thank you kind prince, now make me waffles!" I reply with a curtsy.
He laughs and walks out of his room to the kitchen with me. We make waffles and eat them.
"Hey Madeline?" "yeaah?"
"I have an idea! let's do something fun today! Yea?"
"SURE" I say with a lot of energy.
I watch Matthew pack a bag if light kind of things, a camera, towels, fruit, and other things.
"Where to? I ask him hopping into the car?"
"Your house to get your bathing suit, then to the beach" he replies with the cutest smile ever.
"Okayyyy" I say following along with his sort of plan.
"Wait what if Cam home?" My mind jumbles up again. I start to bite my nails.
"Just run in and get changed!" he says "Got it mr waffle maker!" I set off a forced giggle.

I run in, I ignore everything, put on my bikini, a crop top as a cover up, and I apply mascara. I rushed out of the house and didn't even check to see if Cameron was home.
We arrive at the beach, we sit kinda far from the water, matthew takes out the tri-pod. At this point I'm sitting there like a baby learning how to walk. I don't know or understand why he is taking out cameras. He sets down a towel and we sit. He walks up to the camera located between two light projectors that he told me makes the video clear. "You make?" "Videos, yea" he finished my sentence "for YouTube" he says. "OMG matthew are you big?!" I ask "Sure you can say that aha?" he giggles. He also tells me he's big on something called vine.
He clicks a button on the camera.

I sit there and smile. "What do I do?" I ask using the corner of my mouth in monotone.

"Follow along, be.. You! HEY GUYS IT'S ME MATT! AND FOR TODAYS VIDEO WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST! She's my girlfriend! Her name is Madeline", he points to me.

"Hiiiy" I say smiling and waving into the camera

"Isn't she perfect?" he says hugging me in closer to him

I kiss him on the cheek and we play games and stuff, he edits half of it anyways.
I jumped into the water but ended up face planting in the sand. "YOU BETTER EDIT THAT OUT" he shakes his head dying of laughter.
About an hour later
"Madeline we need you to take us out!"
We run into the water with the camera on us, we hold hands and fall into the water onto our backs. I run up to the camera after "bye homies," I make a cute face and cover the camera with my hands.

Today day I found out my boyfriend was second most subscribed on youtube. I think I want to make a channel. I told matthew I've always wanted to.

My Adorable Bully (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now