Chapter Two

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He turns his head my direction while getting up off the couch and a slight grin appears on his face.

I try and walk by the family room where they were playing PlayStation, but four eyes are already staring in my direction. I made it like I didn't say anything to begin with, I looked straight and was about to make a run to my room.
The world changes into a battle ground and I hear guns and bombs in the distance. "Throwing stun grenade!!"

My eyes flash as I tune back into the real world "Oh hey there Madeline!" in a jolly but all at the same time creepy voice that probably sounded totally normal to Cameron. I turn around slowly getting a hold of my thumb in my fist and squeezing it making my knuckle pop. Matthew is standing up which forces me to look up at him because he's quite taller than me, I'm about 5'6 and he is for sure 6'1", maybe even 6'2". Cam gets up and walks over to step between the intense stare between our eyes. Although he is way more dominant, Cam seems to not notice or not care that he is giving me a disgusting sinister stare. He stands almost between us and speaks out words I kinda tuned out.

"Madeline this is Matthew, Matthew this is Madeline" I open my mouth to reply. So I have cards and I don't know how to deal them. I can play dumb and say 'YA HEY IM MADDY' or I can be a boss ass b.itch and be like 'yeah c.unt?! You know me' 

"ERhm" is all that comes out of my mouth...

Matthew sticks out his hand for me to shake it. I look at his hand and stare at it with disgust. Cam makes a sound coming from his throat hinting me to shake his hand. I think straight again and think.. do I shake my bully's hand? I reach out slowly and grab his hand gently, I shake it lightly.
I think of an excuse really fast, whip my head behind me and back at the boys.  "I uh, I think I'm going to go for a walk around the park area, to check it out the neighbourhood!" Turning around and rolling my eyes at Matt I take a few steps towards the door but it's not long until Cam speaks up "okay bye Maddy". Matthew speaks up probably because I rolled my eyes and shouts "hey my house is down by the park!" Cam replies "great maddy you can walk matthew homeeee" great. Just great.

 I turn around to go put my vans on as cameron goes to the family room to clean up the PlayStation. Matthew walks by me and whispers in his husky voice "get ready." 

Chills are sent straight down my spine and makes me stand pin straight, and all the hairs on my arm to stand. I turn around to face him and he bends over to see if Cam has left the room so he left us on the main floor alone.

He looks back at me and grins scarily, pins me to the wall with my arms up and his forehead close to mine. His warm forehead leans in to touch mine and his Brown eyes seem to turn darker when he talks in his cynical voice. He has very tender looking eyes that are very gentle but you can see how he makes them want to look demonic. He whispers "Do what I tell you to do or else." He smirks with the left side of his cheek elevating, revealing a dimple. "Tell Cameron we're leaving." He adds.
I gulp take a breath as he lets my arms go and close my eyes and ask God to help me get through what will happen right now.
"B-Bye Cameron I will see you later!" I shout from downstairs "bye buddy!" Matthew shouts from standing next to me.
I look at him as he flips on his sweater and he doesn't see me. His light brown hair that looks almost blondish, maybe a dirty blonde; shines through the door that is slightly open. He slips on his shoes which makes his hoodie limp up a bit so I can notice his V-line peaking through the opening. He licks his lips before starting to talk again, "hello??" He asks again as I tune back into reality and snap my face down at his ankles. "Welcome back to earth now get outside."
He holds my hand and helps me out the door. As he walks out onto the porch with me in front of him, he grabs my shoulder to turn me around to face him. "Now we act all friendly until we get to the alley. You say a word tomorrow," he stops, chuckles, and he glances behind him just to continue talking when he turns back around "it won't be the best day at school."
We're walking now and he is looking straight ahead as I text Cam.
I text him "Park as soon as you can."
I we reach the park area he pulls me into an alleyway, it's dark and timid here. I gulp not wanting to walk into the alley, until Matthew pushes me against the wall and laughs with his little childish laugh. I close my eyes as I feel him drive his fist onto my cheek.

The blood flows out of my cheek bone... I feel a cut with my left hand and my slit up cheek burns. I try and clean the blood off but I'm on the floor as I open my eye and see his foot lifted. My right hand goes to block a kick he send my way but he kicks my rib terribly hard. I squeal and demand him to stop. He continues until I hear someone's voice in the distance.
"MADELINE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I snitch back thinking he will hear me but the only sound that comes out is me heaving.
"CAM-ER" as I cough out a clot of blood. Matthew looks around not knowing what to do. He kneels down to my floor level and he whispers "I told you not to tell anyone.. watch out because I know where you live and I know which room is yours babe." His tone got worse by each word he spit out.
He ran away from the alley as what felt like ages but only was a split second later, Cameron runs up to me.
I close my eyes and absorb the pain for a moment.

My Adorable Bully (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now