Chapter Five

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I slowly walk backwards, reversing into God knows what.

The door knob is now slowly done rolling and the door is almost starting to open, I hesitate and think of what to do. Should I run? Should I let what ever is going to happen, happen? I choose to hide in my nearby closet that didn't make enough sound to bust my designated spot. But I hide in the sliding closet. I realize I left my phone on my night stand, or in the washroom, so I have nobody to contact. I look through the crack of the slightly left open closet.

 Slipping legs through the bedroom door, it's Matthew. I gasp but cover my mouth before the sound can travel his way. He looks around my room confused. He smirks "Princess, princess, princess.. come out, come out where ever you are." My eyes begin to burn like they do before I cry. NO. Not this time. He can see me through the crack if he were to look this direction, as I see his head slowly turn towards my direction I move my head backwards away from the crack hoping not hit the back of my closet. Then, silence. He is staring at the closet and has to know I am in here. Minutes later I look back through the crack and he's not there. I'm shaking with fear, my blood is boiling and my vision is fuzzy. But I have a feeling in my gut that's telling me to get out.

This is no longer bullying, this is assault. Words fill my mind and I want to cry. I decide to get out of the closet, I slowly open the door until my body is fully out, my focus is on my phone straight ahead that I notice underneath something on my night stand. Tip-toeing over there, so close just until a heavier force pushes my face down on the bed. A knee on my back and a hand on the back of my head. He lets out a chuckle. I struggle and fidget trying to get out of the position he's holding me in. "Matthew" I moan, "please."
I Let out a slight scream trying to breathe as well. He then holds my arm down and flips me over so I can stare into his face. As his legs are on either side of my body now that he is on top of me completely. Crushing me with all of his body weight but I still sink my back into the bed. He leans down close to my face, I close my eyes. He whispers into my ear "angel, nobody can save you now, have fun while it lasts?" Yet the hairs on my arms stand up and my fidgeting stops. My spine straightens and my legs clench. I think know what is about to happen. I think and shoot my mind back into reality. Words Madeline, SPEAK!
"Please don't do this" I whisper finally breathing words out. The look on my face has to be almost blank, I'm not blinking. My face is frozen and I don't know what emotion is anymore. "I'll be gentle, I promise." My body gives in to his words and I go num. 

Completely. Num.

My eyes flutter open I'm on my bed, lying down I look down as Matthew is on my body still. I screech a few times but blank out into the moment. My eyes flutter again and I see him, kiss my forehead. I pass out. Everything goes white and I don't remember a thing. I wake up.
He's kissing me, gently. He soon grabs my head and starts to kiss my lips a little more gentle this time.  Although I didn't mean for this to happen, I kissed back. 

There's a feeling inside of me that won't let me stop. I pull away. "Matt-" "You are one fucking confident girl" He stammers.

I kiss his soft lips but also keep in mind he's satan in flesh. STOP YOU F.UCKING SLUT!

My lips mangle with his, I throw my tongue and his fights mine. His hand slips down in my pyjama shorts that I'm embarrassed to be in. His fingers fill my body with pleasure and I lean my head against the board of my bed. Just to remember that this is only the beginning of a long to be night.

The sun rises through my window. I get up wipe my eyes and sniffle my nose. I look over blinking a few times, I'm in nothing but my thong. I look over to the left and see Matthew's arms around my hips, aha, this is funny, where are the cameras? Please, someone tell me I'm dreaming. As I hesitate again, I tap his shoulder and look him in his eyes. I try to lead my own head back into the real world but nothing comes near to this. "Matthew it's Monday, and we're both late to go to school." He nods with his eyes shut. I force him to get up by getting up first. I make sure the b blankets of my bed are wrapped around my torso. He puts on his pants "um you say a word about how amazing last night was. You-you uh." he scratches the back of his head "you will get it." I couldn't help but to laugh. "What? Why are you laughing?" I brush my wavy hair over to the side of my head, I look at him and repeat "amazing, huh?" I lean one arm onto the bed to pry myself up, not even caring that my breasts are just exposed. He spins his head at me "I never knew but your p-p-" I stare at him with a blank face. "Pretty hot." I chuckle. He looks at me confused. I start talking but raise my voice slightly just to adjust my attitude "I'm pretty hot, but just kick my rib, bash my face?" He freezes as he makes his way to the chair in my room. He sits on the chair and drops his keys, he shuffles to pick them up but drops something else. He looks a bit nervous. He ends up to spit out something devilish. That finished my thought of 'Yeah maybe he's a good kid'. He says "nothing's changing after last night. I tell you" I sigh really loud and get out of the bed. I shake my head and grab a bra. I slip it on and I walk toward my bathroom, as I turn around catching him staring me down in awh. He gazes his eyes from my feet to my head. "Matthew get out of my house." I say suddenly. "Right.." he says zoning back in and shaking his head.
Stupid t.wat.

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