Chapter Ten

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I pick up the phone to call Cam and find out where he was off to. I grab it in despise of myself. I hate myself for just forgetting about him. IM SUCH AN IDIOT. I get it if Cam is a little mad, but like seriously what can I do about it now. NOTHING. He can't be THAT mad all I did just saying forget he was coming home.

I keep calling while I get ready for school, no. it, I'm not going.

I pick up the phone and call him, on my cell. I walk over to the car door and open it as I jump into the car and begin to back off the drive way, I call and wait as it rings.
"What?" He picks up the phone to my surprise
"Cameron?" I ask in shame. "What?" He repeats "I'm so so so sorry I totally forgot about-" 'I stop myself' in my own tracks. All that comes out of my mouth was stutter. "About me? Your f.ucking brother? Coming home from a long trip?!" His voice raises higher each word. He swore, at me. I don't know what I did wrong other than that. "I'm so sorry cam" I manage to stutter out again. "That's not all I know you forgot about telling me, right?" His tone makes my stomach drop. "Wait Cameron what" I ask. "Don't be stupid!" He shouts. My head fizzes and becomes woozy. "Huh Maddy?! How about Taylor? Anything you wanna talk about?" He asks again due to my lack of response.
"Cameron I don't like him. I gave him up I never liked him I didn't want our-
"and how do I know your not lying about this too? because he told me otherwise!" He shouts cutting me off again. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS" I shout into my iPhone. "WHAT DID HE TELL YOU?!" I raise my voice again. Taylor is known for lying, when I was in elementary school, he lied about my mom dying and how she died. Can you understand how devastated I can possibly be after losing my own mother?!

"You- you're pregnant?" Cameron demands but also asks at the same time.

My heart stops, I want to die. Taylor is a damn lier, I knew I shouldn't of trusted him. Fuc.k my life. I want my life to end. I truly do.
I keep driving and start to raise my voice. "So you believe my ex abusive friend from when I was 13 over me?! What kind of brother are you? You're sick!!!" I shout
"What kind of sister are you? Oh right! The one that sleeps with abusive boys!"
W-what.. I know he knows of Taylor, not Matthew. "Where are you?" I ask. "It doesn't matter." He replies. "NO, I am coming." I tell him. "I'm at school." I begin to drive there.
My head spins in continuous circles. I park the car and meet up with Cam in the cafeteria. He buys me a bottle of water and pretends like nothing happened. "I found-" I stop myself and sit down at a table. "Nevermind." I stammer. "I'm sorry for being so angry" he starts "I shouldn't have said that to you either." I put my face in my hands. I can hear him opening the water bottle. He hands it over to me after I look up. I drink the opened water. I'm heaving because of my anxiety and he notices that. "Madeline" Cameron says. I look up, my vision slows down. "Hey," he gets up from sitting across from me. I try to look around the caf but nobody is in here with us. "hey hey hey now" I fall onto the ground but he catches me almost as if he knew I was going to pass out. Everything is moving in slow motion. Then bam. Everything goes black. 

I try to pry my eyes open and see darkness. I feel pressure on my body but I can't see a thing. I hear grunting and moaning but the darkness overtakes my vision once more.

I wake up in the nursing office of my school, Cam to the left of me. "Hey" I look at him and rub my head. "You passed the hell out in the caf bro" he says chuckling. "You're okay, nurse says it was all stress." I look at him and squint my eyes. Does he think I'm dumb? "Can you blame me for being stressed?" He shakes his head. "Nurse will be back with meds and your clothes, I'll take you home and we can come back tomorrow to get your car." "No, I'm fine to drive." I tell him with assurance. "Um okay then, see you soon." He leaves.

This is all one big plan to mess with me, I'm being abused mentally, by 3 different guys. One is my own brother. I hop into my car, my head still booming. I get really bad panic attacks, my psychologist told me it is because my anxiety and depression, but I think those words are bullshit and I have never gotten a panic attack so bad that I passed out. I start driving and my head begins to beat, loud. Then louder, then louder until it overcomes my thoughts, my car begins swerving. And at this moment. I knew that I didn't pass out from stress, I was drugged.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*HONK HOOONK-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
The dark consumes my mind, just like how I feel it's consuming my soul.

My Adorable Bully (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now