Chapter Fourteen

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I sit down tilting my head in shame. I begin to play with anything on the table while tucking my chin into my neck. I am fidgeting a lot but I can't help it. I use the corner of the napkin to dig under my nails, also picking at my nail beds. Cameron grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes "hey, forget about Taylor, remember if anything happens I'm here for you ok?"

I nod as the waitress comes to ask what we would like to drink, I order water with a lemon, and Cam orders coke.
"Hi!" The waitress gleams with her long fake ass eye lashes at Cameron. Cam shrugs it off. "Hey, so can we start off with the-" Cams voice distances through my mind and I glance over at Tay. He looks back and winks almost perfectly predicting when I would look over.
"Thank you" Cameron says to the waitress as she walks away from the table. "So Madeline, how is yours and Matthews relationship going?". He asks starting a conversation. "Amazing, I- I think I love him" I reply. Cam attempts to force a smile. I see he's nervous about something but I'm not going to bite my tongue on it.
Cams POV
I wink, it hurts seeing her not know the truth. Sorrow fills my body, I wink at him across the room.
Madelines pov
We talk and joke around a bit. As soon as we are done, as I finish up eating I decide to go to the washroom. I get up and walk towards the washroom until nasty fingers grab my ass from the bar side of the restaurant. The only word- no, sound. The only sound that came out of my mouth was a gasp. "Taylor your such a pervert!" I scream looking back to see cameron getting up,
"TAYLOR, Leave, her alone.!"
At this point taylor gets up from the bar, he places his beer down and takes another shot before getting up.
"HA-HA. What a loser, sticking up for the little bitch" Cameron shoves taylor "I dare you to say that again bud!" Cam shouts. I move back more, the whole restaurants eyes were glued on us. My cheeks burn red. When Cam said "I'm here for you", I thought he meant like hugs, not fights. "THATS ALL SHE IS CAM, A LITTLE WHORE, AN INCONSIDERATE LITTLE SLUT!"
Cameron throws a punch, a hard one, not surprised but Taylor payed him back with one that hits him right in the nose. I begin to cry. And jump between them, and taylor slaps me across the face. It happened so fast so I dont feel it much, until a bit after. I grab my face and feel it starting to bruise, I begin to cry harder. I kick him in the balls and run. I run out of the building as cam noticed Taylor hit me.. AGAIN.
The cops apparently showed up 10 minutes after.
I run out into my house, I grab my phone and water and I leave house. It's late and dark, I just need to sleep somewhere for the night. Not the park or Matts because they for sure will look there first, maybe the ravine.
I begin to weep into my hands.
I cry and begin to think, is it true? I'm worthless. If I was dead it would be better. I go on my phone to see 2 texts from unknown number, 9 missed calls from Cam, 29 texts from Matthew. I don't want anyone with me. I get up and begin to walk, and kick rocks into the stream, I cry and cry, until I put down a blanket and lie down next to the stream. I wake up at 3:29 am and call Matthews number.
He picks up right away, "babe, oh my god" he sounds worried "m-m-matthew?" I ask shivering out each word by word "Madeline where are you?" he asks firmly but still calm "Matthew, I don't know" I speak not controlling my shivers "princess I know what happened and taylor is a liar, he's stupid." I don't reply, the fact my life is crushing down on me like a house of cards being sat in by myself is horrible. I can't bear to breathe anymore.
"MADELINE?!" He calls for me.
I hang up on him. I want him in my arms right now but I'm afraid he's going to do what taylor did. Use me and abuse me.

My Adorable Bully (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now