Chapter Twenty-four

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I wake up slowly but not feeling so good. I start to overthink everything. I look over to see someone holding me. My head hits the pillow again not caring who it was. I drift back to sleep.
I wake up once again to notice I'm not in Matt nor Gilinskys arms.
I tremble to shake Jack Johnson awake.
"Jack?" he jumps up to my surprise. He gets out of bed and grabs me, we walk to the kitchen located around the wall of the room. I begin again.

"What happened?" I ask shaking, he pulls off his hoodie leaving him shirtless and gives it to me, I put it on and snuggle into it. "Thank you" I say thanking him with a warm smile. He starts. "The fight went down. Matthew threw first punch and Jack has cuts all on his head, obviously he fought back but c'mon." He says. I begin to cry. My eyes feel like they're sizzling and I can't bare to keep them open, he gets up from sitting down and hugs me from behind because I was standing against the ledge. "Jack I didn't mean to do what I did last night. I mean I don't like Jack he just used me as an advantage because I was drunk" I turn and face him, he is a bit taller than me. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and hugs me. He is so caring and it's really amazing.
"They were both taken to the jail. They have each about a week or so in there unless we bail them" he says to me.. "Their trails are soon but we can bail them out now if you'd like" he says looking into my eyes that are filled with tears.

"I need to get Matt out!" she says trembling in fear "I know, we will go" I say back to reassure she will be okay. I want to kiss those gentle lips of hers. The truth is last night I came into the room and saw her in bed literally crying and dreaming horrible things, I hopped into bed with her not thinking about what she would think. I held her in my arms, someone I cared for since the day I laid eyes on in my arms, I'm keeping her safe. She doesn't deserve them at all. She deserves someone who cares for her, someone who hasn't hurt her in her past, nor someone who plans on hurting her in the future. Yea that includes Jack too. She deserves someone who loves her for her not for any other reason. She doesn't deserve whats to come. 

I walk out of the kitchen towards the door. "Jack can we go to my house quickly? I'd like to get changed" I tell him." We have no time Madeline, just wear what you're wearing now, after all my hoodie looks fairly cute on you." His eyes glister and my heart sinks. My cheeks burn and turn a light shade of pink. "Maddy?" he asks gently. I tune back into reality, which I often drift away from. I shake my head out of my deep thoughts, itch the back of my head. "Sorry" I turn around and walk away.
I hop into his car as he hops into the other side. I look out the window and think deeply again. Jack and Matt aren't that supportive but Jack J is. Matt is rude enough to get into a fight, and so is Jack G. Jack J isn't. I'm thinking a word right now, I forgot it, it starts with the letter P and it implies of how a person can be so incredible. Oh right! Perfect! I'm gazing out the window thinking and thinking. My eyes drift almost to sleep. "Maddy what are you thinking about?" he breaks my trail of thought.

"Perfect" I shout out. I laugh and set off a smile like I f.ucked up.
He giggles in this cute way that makes me blush. "Sorry." I reply. "No worries, but to be honest you were describing yourself."
I blush again and move my hair behind my ears and sink into my chest. What am I doing with my life?

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