Chapter Twelve

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This book ends, differently. Please don't pity it ;)

Someone walks into the room, thinking it was the nurse I didn't open my eyes, nor stop the music. The person grabs my hand and takes a seat next to me. "Hey" Matt whispers in a husky voice. I stop the music and nod my head, "how'd you get in here!?" I shriek. "Please, Madeline!" He looks at the closed door. "Can we talk?" He begs. "No" I reply quickly. "Three seconds please." He pleads. I force up three fingers and nod again. He starts, "Can we just start over". By this time, two of my fingers were down. "Times up!" I Chant. "Out you go ass hole." He looks at me shocked. "You said we were okay!" He pleads once again. "I said.. I take it back anyways" I shrug. "I mean why should I give in to you, you're a sick bastard who made me slit my arms, who made me cry myself to sleep, who made me take pills, who made me oooh you don't even fucking know, than you go and sleep with me? I bet you drugged my water or something. Honest to God, how can we start over?!" I shout. He wipes the tears from his eyes, "You're to beautiful to do that, I'm so sorry I made you." He lowers his head and wipes a few tears. "Stop pitying me and get out please."
It was so hard to fight back when all I wanted to do was kiss those precious lips. "I, I can treat you right. Let me prove it.." I look up into his eyes, eyes of true sorrow, oh my god, my heart. I hug him. I can't imagine being mad at him for any longer. That would eat me up as it is.
The next day I walk into my house with my bag in my hand from school.
You're starting over maddy.

I look on the couch to the right, sits there on the couch is Matt. I couldn't help to laugh. "This is what you meant by start over??" I ask him. "Shhh play along" he says. Cameron isn't sitting beside him, which is strange.

"Ugh today was a tough day" I say until I see him stand up and walk to me.
"Madeline this is matthew and matthew this is Madeline" Matthew says himself since I guess him and Cam are in a fight.. This time, instead of rolling my eyes I smile and hug him.
"I'm going for a walk in the park." I tell imaginary Cam

"Great my house is just near the park" Matthew says.

"Perfect Madeline walk matthew home" I smile and Matt grabs my hand as we walk out of the house.
I wonder what will happen now..

This chapters SOO short, so sorry

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