Chapter Twenty-two

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After lunch I walk back into the class all happy, I take a seat next to Jack G and lean my head on my hand against my desk. The teacher is so annoying. But hey, at least this class shuts up. By this time I actually need to go to the washroom. I didn't want to bring my phone because I don't know who does when they actually need to pee.. Anyways I give my phone to Johnson "I'm trusting you butt hole" I laugh and I walk out of the room.

Jack G's pov

She leaves the room trusting jack with her phone, he gives it to me. Silly girl.
Johnson starte taking selfies. Funny ones, hot ones, and videos. "Dude stay focused.."

I laugh as jack does the same, we took about 29 pictures and 10 videos. I click the little box at the bottom and go to look at them, I put ear phones in one in jacks too. I whisper "yo let's check out her taste of music". Jack replies "She could have private things on there." I say sarcastically once more. I don't care, I slid my thumb up from the bottom of the phone and pressed play.
Soft music plays, almost familiar. Johnon's voice starts rapping. "Some people all about the dollar bill, it's quite a shame..."
"She probably just downloaded it yo." I agreed and clicked the next song "RWARRR" I turn my head again due to the fact wild life is playing.
"Ummm" jack says hesitating as he clicks the next button to the next song. I click off of the music as 'doing it right' plays. We're listening to our voices looking through her pictures and videos.
"Jack she's a fan. She knows a lot about us" I nod. I don't think different of her but I just want to know why she didn't tell us she knew us. This can be detrimental to our plan.
"This is soo crazy man but hey, at least you know she'd give it to you every night hahha" jack answers with a wink. I turn around slowly to see a tall kid with dirty blonde hair. "Hey I'm matt" he says innocently like we never met before. I look at jack "so your Madeline's boyfriend?" Jack J asks over the class being loud again. "Yea" he answers proudly. "We've talked on the phone." I say, "you guys sure you're in?" Matt says. I look at JJ and look back, I nod.

Jack J's pov

I don't want to nod, I just stare at Matt "umm?" I say back "what?" Matt asks. "Jack is following through with the plan, she's so pure and innocent.. I can't. "Do you see the problem there?" I ask with attitude but still in a humble voice.
"I know, see the thing is... I.. umm,.." he stops. "Yea I know you're not good for her." He rolls his eyes at my response "fuck you" he says.

Madeline's pov

"Fuck you" Matthew yells at Jack. I run I front of matthew. "What the fuck Matthew?" "They we saying I'm not good enough for you" Matt replies. I stare into his eyes as the class is staring at me. He places his lips, CLEARLY on mine. The class screams as Matts friend yells "MATTHEW GET YOUR MOUTH OFF THOSE HORSES LIPS"
Gilinsky kicks his chair back.
Matthew turns to Jack and Jack breaths and turns back around.
"IVE BEEN DATING MADELINE FOR THE PAST YEAR" he says proudly. "What?" everyone asks in question. "I LOVE MADELINE DALLAS. IF YOU GUYS HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT CONFRONT ME" he turns to me, I slowly walk towards him and hug him. I hold him until Matts friends interrupt the hug. "I hate you." He says to Matts face and storms out with all matts friends.
"Go get them back Matt" I say shallowly. "No. I don't want them. I want you" He replies softly I hug him again.
Jack and jack get up and talk to Matt "yo sick party at our apartment in a couple days wanna reach?" Jack G asks "Madeline is coming" Jack J says hugging me.
Matt and I agree, though, I am still going to Jacks tonight. I don't even know if I'm developing feelings for him. I think they've been here the whole time though. I clearly saw the jealousy in Jacks eyes. I wink at him before exiting the room.

Gilinsky's pov
She just hooked up with me? Why is she fucking hooking up with her HIM now. He's such a loser anyways. F.ucking lunatic. I need him destroyed. It's crazy how people change. I want him dead. She's also a slut but hey, I likey.

Madelines POV
By now it's 10 minutes after school ended and were still in the class. Matt leaves. Jack and jack speak up "So Umm..." Jack G says "what?" I ask switching my eye position on them both.
"How's your music taste?" Gilinsky asks. My heart drops and my hands start shaking. They know something. "Uh" I reply. "Why'd you hide it from us?" Gilinsky asks. "I thought you'd think I was some loser of a fan. But I only adore your music.." I tell them. They smile and brush it off. Okay don't worry about it. "See you tonight. Stay safe" Johnson slips his number onto my phone and so does Gilinsky.

Later that night.
Johnsons POV
We wait for Maddy to come over, Jack and I talk. "You better not do anything stupid." I say to Jack. "What we're gonna watch movies? So what?" He asks. "She has a boyfriend" I add. He hits the tables with his knuckles bouncing off the wood shaking the vase. "THAT DOESN'T CARE FOR HER AND YOU KNOW IT" he settles his palms out and looks up at me. "I'll declaim her as mine I tell you. M. I. N. E. Mine." He swallows. I roll my eyes. "Fucking chill Mr. I have a big dick and can get any girl. "Shut up. You're just jealous." He says. "No actually. I'm the sweeter Jack." I laugh. "Deal with it." I end the conversation.

Gilinsky's POV
She rings the doorbell and enters the apartment. "This place is huge!" I nod. "Where are ya havin the party?" She asks. "We're renting out the 2 floors." She makes her lips purse into an 'o' shape. She's in the cutest outfit. She's wearing a crop top hoodie with jeans that have cute cuts in the back pockets. I go to grab her phone located in the pocket as she places her small purse on the table. I grab her phone along with an ass grab while doing it to tease. She screams and follows me to the couch. "Any games?" I ask jumpin on the couch.
"Not for you to play" she laughs and grabs it back. We end up watching movies. I got to choose it cause she apparently doesn't know any movies. I put on any movie. Johnson isn't here, he's in his room. She lays her head on my lap and put a pillow between my crotch and her head. Thank god or she would have felt me growing.
The movies done and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep because I was playing with her hair. "Hey baby" she looks up and rolls over with her head still on my lap. "It's over" I laugh. "Oh haha, what now?" She asks. I lick my lips mid thought. "Don't do that again" she grins. "What?" I ask. "Lick your lips" "why not?" I ask. "Cause I'm taken and you make me wanna do a lot of things I'd I wasn't." She gets up and sits with her head at the other side of the couch. "Why don't you be single for the night?" I plead wanting more. "Oh whys that" she asks. "Because remember when I grabbed your ass and you screamed?" I ask. She nods. "I wanna make you scream even louder tonight babe" I say.
I know she wants it.. and she's gonna get it.

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