Chapter Thirteen

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Will I forget about the bullying part of matthew? no.

Will I forget how he made me hate myself? no.

But will I try and forget the past? yes.

It's been about 3 weeks of normal friendship sorta relationship with Matt.. Today is my birthday! I'm turning 17. I go upstairs like on every birthday of mine, I go into my room and shut the door. I kneel on my window ledge, I miss my mom loads, I thought I would've been alone without her, I love her so much I miss her. I just miss her. I kneel there for a bit and begin to talk.

"Hey mom, it's me! Madeline! Remember me?" My eyes are puffy and start to sting. "I love you and miss you! And yes if you were wondering I'm no longer bullied! Can you believe it?" A tear let's loose and drips gently down my cheek onto my shirt. "Next week is summer! And I'm turning 17 today, I wish I can spend this day with you. I pause, well I am, I know your in my presence right now. I love you mommy" I get up, Camerons gone out with a his friends names Wesley and Kenny.
I text someone, anyone, Matt. "Hey come over? I need to all to someone."

I skootch my but to the corner of my room where my moon chair sits.
Cam and I are going out for dinner tonight so I'm pretty sure he'll be home soon. I curl up and face the corner to the light pink/salmon colour wall. I hear footsteps running up the stairs


I don't answer

Matthew runs into my room, spots me and runs over. He picks me up sits down on my bed, and puts me facing him on the bed crossing our legs. "Babe you can't be crying on your special day" I wipe my eyes and roll up in a ball and lie down on him so he's lying down on my pillows, he gets under the covers and pulls them over me too. He wraps his body against mine, he's so tall so he consumes me. He whispers "Happy birthday I love you" I'm happy. Thank you God. I never expected this. I would never of thought someone like Matthew would make me so happy out of all these crappy days. I wake up at
I turn to face Matt sleeping, he's still asleep without a shirt. I see he took it off and put it on the floor. I pucker my lips and kiss his nose gently a few times, I go to kiss his nose again for the fourth time as he puckers up and tilts his head up a little bit so we kiss gently. I giggle and kiss him again. I tilt my head down and he kisses my fore head, "C'mon lets go downstairs" I get up and hold his hand to the kitchen.

I see him pull out a cup cake with "Happy birthday" on it. I grin so big, I walk up to him, and gently scold him against the wall. This kiss was different. I felt something, he kissed me, tongue slid against my lips asking for entrance and I allowed. I can almost see fireworks myself. We eat cup cakes, listened to music and I danced around in outfits I should wear to Cam and I's dinner until about 6:15 pm.
"Okay matt I think you need to go babe" He gets up, and I walk him to the door, he puts on his vans and grabs his keys, turns around to me "have an amazing rest of the day princess, I love you" and smiles. My heart warms up while leaning on the side of the door. He walks out, I go upstairs to my room and see his hoodie on the floor, I put on his hoodie. It smells like him.
I get ready, do my hair, make up, and take a selfie with his hoodie and Instagram it. "Taken". About five minutes later I take it off and put a beautiful dress on, Cam gets home and gets ready and we leave for our brother sister night to begin.
We get into the restaurant, it's gorgeous! I look around as were being seated, only luck, only to be seated across from that annoying twat.

Just when I thought the night was gonna be great.

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