Chapter Eleven

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The last think I remember was hearing Cameron call my name from the phone which was whipped from my hand and landed apparently across the road.
I wake up with tubes sticking through my nose, an IV in my arm and I am chained to my bed by handcuffs. I look around but due to blurry vision I rub my eyes and notice two boys sitting at the end of the bed. "Handcuffs? Really?" I ask these two random strangers. "Madeline it's protocol for suicide watch." One boy begins to tell me "SUICIDE WATCH?!" I start back "WHO ARE YOU?!" they look up at me from their heads in their heads. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT IDIOTS! Get OUG OF MY ROOM!"
A lady wearing funny clothes walks into the room and holds me down. She begins to attach my free hand with another pair of handcuffs. Someone I believe to be the police is standing in the side of the room. She looks at me and calms me down. I lie down as she lets me go and I feel my head, "a boo boo?" I ask her sarcastically, she nods in silence and forces a grin onto her face. "Wait. Excuse me funny looking lady" I ask. "Yes dear?" I glance over at the boys at the end of the bed. One is smoking hot. "Where am I?" I ask, she replies "baby girl" she looks at the tray she's holding, glances back at me, "you're in a hospital!" She tells me. She turns over her shoulder to the other nurse and says under her breath almost inaudible "I can't believe you didn't tell the poor thing."
She walks over to the boys. "This is Matthew, and this is Cameron" I laugh and cut her off, she stutters and looks back at me. I wave my hand indicating her to come closer; she does so. I beg for her to come closer and I move my hand up to my mouth as far as the handcuffs restrict me to, I whisper in her ear "Matthew is hot" I say without shame, I pause and look at the boy matthew. He's crying but cameron is holding in his tears.
"Matthew is actually your boyfriend, I believe" she answers. "Oh, I'm Madeline right?"
Cameron shoots his chair back behind him as he gets up and groans holding his eyes. I am very confused about what's going on.
They both are out of the room at this moment.
I over hear the lady talking to Cam and Matthew. The lady rubs Camerons arm, "It will be okay! Her memory is not gone I promise, it's just faint." I begin to play with my nails digging under my pointer finger with my thumb. "No, see the thing is she doesn't remember herself. She's been going through tough times." Whispers cameron, little do they know I hear their whole conversation, but do I give a shit? No. I grab the earphones that are located at the end of my bed and press play on my music list, Jack and Jack play. I hum along to the beat of the songs until I see some vivid movement through the slim of the door. "That's fucked Matthew! Boyfriend really?!" Cameron shouts, he realizes his voice was loud and lowers it to a simple whisper. I pause the music, I don't think they know that though, "hey bud, remember that deal?! It's off. I'm telling-" he looks behind him, to the left, to the right and back at matthew, "him, to cut you off."
Matthew gets shoved by Camerons two hands he lays on Matthews chest. "It's not, not my fault I fell in love okay?!" Matt whispers but shouts back. "Well you know what?! You're going to pay. Your actions have consequences bitch." Cam spits at his shoes and walks the other direction.
A loud shrieking sound overtakes my ears and my vision goes blurry.

He pushes me against the wall and laughs with his little sinister laugh. The demon shows in his eyes, I crave him but Satan tells me no. I close my eyes as I feel him hit his fist into my cheek.
The blood flows out of my cheek bone consecutively. The black blood floods into a small pool of red, I feel a cut and my rashed up cheek burn. I try and clean the blood off but I'm on the floor as I open my eye and see his foot lifted he kicks my rib hard. I squeal and demand him to stop. I demand him to stop hitting my small weak body once and for all. He runs.
I shake. My body feels like a feather and I feel some sort of demonic wave shiver through my spine. I catch a tear before it leaves my eye and wipe it.
Before I put my earphones back in the nurse tells me that tomorrow I will be able to leave myself. I click play on my phone as One Direction plays. Ahhh, music is my happy escape from this nightmare called life.

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