Chapter Three

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The first thing that can actually slip out off of cams lips were "who?" He was stuttering and his words were slurring. He holds my head in both of his hands.
I couldn't tell him Matthew did this, I don't need him picking fights. "I'm sorry cameron" I mumble, stuttering  because of the pain. He grabs me and alters my bodies position. He lays my head on his lap and examines the cuts. I open my eyes and see he's short of breath because he was running here, I'm thankful. I close my eyes once again. He knows I didn't get jumped due to the fact I knew what was going to happen before hand.

"It, it would've been worst if you didn't come earlier..." He starts to tear up. He lifts up my shirt so he can see the cuts better. He looks at the blue-ish purple bruise that takes up my whole left rib, the one that formed rather faster than I imagined. He holds it with one hand, stroking his other hand through my hair. I can see sympathy through his eyes for the first time in a while. He stares at the wall across from us and I close my eyes in anger. He then takes a deep breath in and picks me up. He walks me to the park bench where now it's late and the sun is setting. I can tell he doesn't want to walk home. We ended up talking until the sun went down and woke up to see that we fell asleep on the bench in the park watching the sunset. This park is stunning in which I described. 

My rib kills and I can hardly breath but I don't want to talk about it though. I notice my brother sitting down a couple metres away looking into the water. I wonder what he is thinking about. I get up and go towards him just to plop my ass down next to Cam. I sit down and lie my head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and sighs. He turns to face me and kisses me on the forehead. "It'll be okay I promise." I tell him. "You know I love you right?" "Yea" I answer and a small happy smile creeps onto my face. "And you can tell me anything and know I'm here for you through it all. Now that were alone -" I interrupt "Yes cameron I love you too." I respond and hug my knees tight into my chest.

The weekend goes by and I don't leave the house. I am absolutely petrified. Once and a while Matt comes over. I try to listen to the convo's Cam and him have but the sound its quite muffled from my bedroom. It does worry me though, to know that Cameron must be really stupid or just plotting something against me. He has to know that Matt is the one that beat me in the alley.


I wake up, not wanted to get out of bed but I have to. I get out of my bed and see Cameron left a note.
"Late call for photo shoot. Leaving tonight for Toronto; love you I hope you can be home to say bye I will be back on Friday so be good and don't throw a party while you're alone! I love you." I tear up to the thought of being alone, in which is stupid because I should be plotting a f*cking party. I'm such a baby, I have to grow up. 

I walk onto the bus and again try and avoid Matt. Resisting eye contact, he gets up as everyone watches him walks over to me and opens his water bottle. I know what he is planning to do but I am in shock. He pretends to trip and spills the water all over me. I try and wipe the room temperature water off my face and look through my hands to see the bus driver shaking his head through the rear view mirror. As Matthew gets up onto his two feet he mutters out "oh sorry did I ruin your makeup?" I look at him with hatred in my eyes but they are still blood shot red like tears would burst out any second.

 The rational feeling and the burning feeling in my cheeks intensify as he takes another look at the foundation that is slowly dripping off my face. He looks at me and shouts "OH NO YOUR FOUNDATION !! WHAT HAPPENED? IS THAT A SCAR?!" he let's out a loud intimidating laugh. I put my hands over my face and he sits back down. People are now whispering and talking aloud about how much a bi*ch I am for taking his shit. "Do you think he did that to her?" "I hope not, she can file restraining orders on that ass hole..."  I overhear a conversation between two girls a year younger than me.

But by is time we are at the school. I'm not in any of Cameron's classes because of our age difference which sucks. We had the odds of having lunch together, but with my luck we do not. On the other hand, what I do have is one class with Matt, science.
I walk into science and everyone is sitting down, I take a seat far in the back trying to mind my own business. The teacher starts talking some science bull crap but I ignore. I hear a topic of something about projects, I smile at a girl who is sitting in the front row. Friend? Something, I was never good at.
8 minutes late Matthew walks in like a fabulous bitch. I roll my eyes and look at the desks and labs oh sh*t there's no where to sit but besides me... 
He takes a seat beside me and raises his hand. The teacher stops, rolls her eyes and speaks up "yes Matthew?" he clears his throat, and speaks up


The whole class laughs as he gets sent down to the office, looks at me and gives me cut eye. I tune back into the stupid class and pay attention. "YOUR PARTNER IS THE PERSON YOU ARE SITTING BESIDE. SO BECOME FRIENDS AND YOU WILL BE MAKING A PROJECT TOGETHER!"
Matthew walks in 20 minutes later, "what is going on?" I try not to roll my eyes. I turn my head slightly towards him keeping my eye contact solemnly with the desk and respond "we're partners." He looks around to witness nobody watching "listen up you little b*tch, you are doing this whole thing and getting me the damn grade, or you will get more than you're already going to get" I gulp and nod. I take a deep breath, and raise my eyes to the board. My head is spinning and I can't even think about school. All that's in my mind is "Matthew Espinosa."

 Anxiety fills my chest and it doesn't help that I have a massive bruise along my rib. 

Later that day I turn into a hallway that aims towards my locker. Cameron turns around the washroom corner  with his back facing me and stops walking. He looks left, he looks right and picks up his phone. He was trying to avoid people, I have my shot to run a little closer and sneak into the hallway he turned out of. His back still facing me, I tip toe over to the corner and hide behind the wall. What ever Cameron was doing seemed to be a little bit of a secret. 

"Yeah. No, bro this is actual fuc*ing work. What? You think I don't have fuc*ing rent to pay for?! Yea what ever, you can do it. But make sure you, yanno, do it inside her so she thinks it's yours. Fuck man. NO." I begin shaking and jump to his sudden shout. He listens for a little into his phone, he continues. "Well, have your fun, I really don't care. I'll see you after I come back from Toronto." Who is he talking to? My dad? His manager? 

 I put in my ear phones and play my music shuffle 'stress relief' as paradise by Jack and Jack play.

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