Edd x reader

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You have moved in with your high school friends. There names were. Matt, Tom, Edd, and Tord. They all were ok to say the least. Matt was the... The... I don't know what he was but all I know that he was a diva,he still cared about his frends. Tom was the the drunk and rude one but was still nice in some places. Tord was the flirt and gun loving and henti lover. I saved the best for last Edd,the cola lover and art maker. Then there's me I love to write and make art as well plus cooking.

You pov
I was sitting in my room reading a book. Matt,Tom and Tord all wint out but Edd stayed home. I don't know why but what ever. I got of my bed to us the bathroom. After I was done I looked at the clock. 4:30, the 3 guys should be home in a hour so why not make dinner. I walked down stares. I wint into the kitchen and thought about what to make. Then it hit me why not make beef stew and peach pie. I took the ingredients out for the pie and for the stew. I started and then I heard someone coming down the stares. I knew it was Edd. I heard the fridge door open the a pop can opened. "Hello Edd." "Hey y/n, what you making?" "I am making beef stew and peach pie." "Oh wow! That sounds sooo good." "Thank you." He walked off to the living room to watch the chirden. I was done with the stew just have to do the pie.

20 minutes later.
The pie and stew were done. "SLAM" I jumped and turned around just to burn my hand and Yelp. It was Tom,Matt and Tord. Edd must have heard me Yelp because he came into the kitchen after the guys went up the stares. "Hey you ok?" "Ya just burned my hand." He grabbed my hand and put some cool Water on it. The pain slowly went away. He took me to the living room. He grabbed a 1st add kit. He wipped my hand and bandges it up. "Thank you Edd." "No problem, but you must be careful ok." "Ok Edd." We both smile. I liked Edd a lot. I was staring at him he noticed this. "What....is there something on my face?" I blushed and looked down. "No... But there will be." "What do you mean?" "Hehe I finished dinner now we can go eat." He smiled. Edd called everyone down and we all ate. After dinner you were washing the blows and plats. Then Tord came in. He came up behind me.

"W-What are you doing?" "I wanted to help you clean up." "Ok but you don't have to be behind me." He said nothing. To my luck Tom and Matt went out and Edd was upstairs. He started gridding on me. "T-TORD what are you doing!!??" He said nothing all you could think of is to scream and then you did. "EDD HELP TORD IS HUMPING ME!!!" You screamed and Tord covered you moth. But Edd herd and you could here​ him coming down the stairs. "TORD get off of her!!" He ran to you and pull you away from him and pulled you to his room. You two sat on the bed. "Are you ok?" You stated quite. You started to cry because you were thinking if Edd was not there you could have been raped you started to cry more. Edd hugged you. "Hay hay why are you crying?" "W-What if y-you weren't h-here he could have raped me." You said still crying. He hushed you and tould you to calm down.

You look at Edd and said "Edd I need to tell you something." "What is it?" You took a deep breath. " I really like you." You mumbled. "Sorry I can't here you." "Ireallylikeyou." You said really fast. He blushed and smiled "I really like you as well." You looked up just to meet his lips one your. You slowly melted into the kiss. He pulled back. "Come on let's get some sleep you can sleep with me...my little sunshine." You blushed and smiled. You and him both layed down and you fell asleep in his arm but before you did he said.

"You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine... Good night y/n I love you to the moon and back." You smiled and said " I love you to the deepest ocean and back." You both fell asleep smiling.

Your thoughts
Well at lest the day ended on a good note.. good night my little cola.

The end.

(Wow first one.) I did all most all of this on the bus. (Edited)

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