i want to know

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Ok I've been thinking. Could you guys try and make a fanfic of me x and eddsworld character. IDK I just want to see if you guys can make a Veronica x eddsworld character. Plz I want to see who wins this.

This can be a contest. Who ever wins I'll make a special story for them and I'll shout all of you out tho.

So if you do this just tell me the story or link it. Or you can send it too me.

Tank you if you do this and if you don't that's fine.

I just want to see how you guys wright storys and story's about a real person.

Let me tell you a bit about myself so if you decide to do this you know a bit about me.

I have pink/blonde hair. (Tips are blonde)

I wear a red or green hoodie.

I have glasses.

I LOVE knee high socks.

Love animals

Love anime

I'm shy

I have anxiety. (That's a different story I'll tell later)

I have a natural red face.

But when embarrassed flustered stuff like that it gets reder.

I love cats

I'm a fighter

I love sports

My two favorite sports are football and boxing.

Well that's a bit about me. Hope at least one of you do this. I really want to see what to see what my fans can do. If you don't it's fine. Hope to read some soon.

Also if you do this here are the people you can choose from


It can be a lemon if you want it to be. I don't know you chose.

We'll see ya soon.

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