Tom x shy short scared child reader

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This was requested by Catatonic134
Your wish is my command. Enjoy!

Tom's pov
Raining great! I was at the bar. Well more like going there. But when I got there it was closed. On the way home it started raining hard. *Growl* I turn into a alleyway. "At least I'm out of the rain." I say. *Cry.* "Huh?" I look over to see a box moving. I raised my eyebrow. I walk over and lift it up. *YELP!* "Gah!" I say and fall back words. I see a little figure run to a dark side of the allyway. "Hello?" *P-please l-leave me alone." I blink in confusion. "Hey it's ok... I won't hurt you." The figure was shaking and small. More like a child. I got my phone out and turned the light on. I shine the light on the figure. The figure was a small girl. She covered her face and started shaking more. "Hey are you lost?" "I-i-i-i have n-no home.." 'No home?' I thought. "Hey it's ok." I try and get closer. "St-st-stay back!" She flinched and pulled a pocket knife out shoving it in my way. "Wow! Calm down! It's ok, I won't hurt you. Please..." She was shaking. I swear she was going to drop the knife from how much she was shaking. Tears was going down her cheeks. "Come on.." I say. I put my hands on her hands and pushed the knife down. She dropped the knife. She pulled her hands up to her face. Now that I'm looking at her. She has a huge gash on her face. Cuts in her legs arms. Dirt and blood on her. "We're is your parents?" "T-they l-l-left me." "....." "A-are y-you going t-to h-hurt m-m-me?" "No never. I'm going to help you. Ok?" She moved her hands away from her face. "Y-you w-w-will?" "Yes. But I need you to trust me."

Y/n's pov
"Yes. But I need you to trust me." 'Trust?' I thought. 'Can I trust him. He's been nice. But he seems like he could also be bad. He has no eyes so I can't tell if he's being serious or not.' He smiled. Warm and sweet. 'Well there's nothing else I can do. And he's the only one who wants to help.' "O-ok." I smiled a bit. He took his hoodie off and handed it too me. I put I on. Nice and warm. He got closer and picked me up. *Quite Yelp* "It's ok." He held me close as he rain in the rain. I held onto his shirt, hoping this was a good idea.

Le time skip

I slowly open my eyes to see that we're still in the rain. 'How far is his house?' "Hey you awake. You've been sleeping for only 10 minutes." "O-oh..." I soon see a house. I get closer to him scared. He gets to the door and opens it. "Oh Tom your ba- Why do you have a child?!" Someone yelled. I flinched. "Edd don't yell. Just go get a bath started." "O-ok." I feel like we're going upstairs. I hear a door open. "Hey. Your taking a bath but let's get you some of my clothes. He sits me on the bed. He walks to his drawer. He opens it and pulled out a gray shirt. "I have old kids clothes in the attached. I'll look when you in the bath and bring you some pants and I'll wash your undergarments. "O-o-ok. Thank you." "Heh you welcome." "The baths done." "Come on. Let's go."

After bath and putting clothes on.

I wore Tom's big gray shirt. His old pj pants. With my undergarments as well. And my black socks. They washed them and I feel so much better. "Come here and I'll fix your cuts." They were still bleeding. I sit down and he gets my arm. He gets some kind of liquid. "What's that?" "Something that gets all the bad things out of the cuts." "Oh." He puts some that on a rag and dabs it on and it stung. "Ouch!" "Sorry it's supposed to do that." "O-ok." He finished and rapped both my arms up and put a bandage on my cheek were the gash was. (you have one like tord but bigger.) He also rapped my legs to. "Do you want to watch TV?" I nodded. He picked me up. I was a small child. If I stood beside him I was a a little blow his hips. He walked downstairs with me in his arms. He sat on a red chouch with me beside him. "Sooo why do you have a child?" I look over to see a guy in a green hoodie. I get closer to him. "Well I found her and she said she had no home or parents. So I brought her home." "Oh well it's nice to meet" "I nevered asked your name. What is it? Mine is Tom and his name is Edd." "M-my n-name is y/n." I say. As I say my mane I hear the front door open. We all look over. I see a very tall guy with a purple hoodie and a green overcoats. A nother guy with a red hoodie and horned hair. "Hey guys!" The purple one said. I flinched. "I hate yelling." I wisper. "Who's this?" The red one said."This is
Y/n." Edd said. "Awwww she so cute!" The purple one said as he picked me up. I start to cry. He freaks out and puts me down. "Edd I broke her!" He said with tears. Tom put me in his lap and shushed me. "Good job Matt!" Tom said. "I'm sorry." After I calmed down they sat down.

"Sooo your name is y/n. Well my name's tord." "And I'm Matt!" I flinched again. "Ok guys. She is scared of loud sounds, she's shy, and small." Tom smirked. "I-im n-n-not small." "Yes you are." Tom said.

Time skip to night

Everyone was in bed expect me, Tom and Tord. Tord has been werid. He's been nice but also flirtatious. Like he would say. "You have nice hair or you have nice eyes." I thought. And yes sounds inccent. But I was weird coming from him. But me being shy and nice I said thank you and brushed it off. But I still was not
comfortable. Anyway back to us.

I was beside Tom laying against him. I was about to go to sleep when I herd. "Y/n?" "Hum?" I hummed in response. "Want to play~" My eyes widden. I could see Tord smirking and reaching for me. "Tom!" Tom jerks and Tord moves back. Pretending to be asleep. "What?" He asked. "T-tord was trying to touch me." I cryed. "Tord stop! I hate you!" Tom picked me up. "I'm sorry." I heard him say. "Forget it.." Tom said annoyed. Tom went upstairs to his room. We payed in the bed. "Sorry about that." "It's ok." I say.

He smiled. "How about you can be my daughter and I'm your dad. Well adopted dad." "Really?!' "yes." I hugged Tom. "Thank you! Thank you!" I said and cryed. "No problem sweetheart."

Years later.

I'm 24 today. I get in my car and drive to my dad's place. I get out and walk over to it. "I've missed ya dad. I hope your life is been good. We all have missed you." Tears start to fall. "When you first found me I thought something bad would happen but no. You loved and cared for me. And I did the same to you. Tord was quite rude that night but he's my friend now. Well just a bit. Hehe. I-i wish you could see how I look now " I look down. "I miss you dad. I really do. I'll come tomorrow I promise. I live" I walk away tears going down my face.

Only if you were here dad. I wish I could hug you one more time.


Lived a good and loving life.


"He was a good man and a loving dad. He WILL be missed."
From y/n.

"I miss ya too sweetie. I love you too. And when we meet again. You will hug me and I will do the same."

(The end! Man that was a sad ending. But I think it was good. Hope y'all liked it. I working on the Q&A. It might be out in a few days. Maybe. IDK.  But ya. See ya soon!)

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