red leader x shy reader

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(request by itzyogirl_MSP)

Y/n's pov
Being shy was bad but could be good. But in this situation bad, very bad. I'm in a army and being shy is a no go. I'm the only girl so it's so much worse. Alot of the boys flirt with me. But I can fight so when they try to touch me I can kick there butts. But I try not to.

6:30 AM

"Y/n get up." I feal something move me. I look up and see Paul. "Ugh." "I know but after this day we get a 4 week break." I shot up.
"I knew that whould wake you up." He said. I stuck my toung at him. Im not shy around Paul and Parker. (Sorry if I got his name wrong) why, well because they never try flirt with me well maybe to play around but non the less there like my brothers. I get up and start to get dressed. I soon walk out and meet up with them. All 3 of us start to get to work. I work with them all day so it was fun. As we worked I feal weird. I look to my left thinking I'll see someone but nothing. Soon Paul and Parker left to go see the leader. I keep working.

Learder's pov
"Ask her to come to my office." "Yes sir." They both say. They walk if going to get my lovely y/n. I never feal this way to any one. But I think I love her. More than any girl. (You don't love any girl you just want some f--.... I'll stop)
I don't know why but. Her eyes, those wonderfully e/c eyes. That amazing h/c hair. She's brave but shy at the same time. I hear a knock at my door.

Y/n's pov
Why would the leader want to see me? I get to his office. I took a deep breath and kncocked. I heard moving. "Come in." I heard a deep Norigen accent. I blushed a bit. I walk in. "Close the door and come sit down." I do as told. "You wanted to see me sir?" "Please call me Tord. And yes I did." "My I ask why sir I mean Tord." "I just wanted to talk." 'Talk? What is he up to?' I thought. "About what Tord?" I asked. "Well, I want to tell you that you work hard and I respect that." "Oh... Thank you, I try." I say, I could feal my face get hot. I saw him smirk. "Why the red face?" "Um.." He let out deep chuckle. "Y/n come over to me." I do.  He moves quick and pulls me down to his lap. "SIR!?" I Yelp. "Now, now. I told you to call me Tord." "S-sorry." Right now I'm sitting on his lap. No more like one of my leg is on one side of him and my outher leg doing the same on the outher side. I feal him move his hand down to my butt. "Tord?" "I love you y/n." My eyes widen. "I-i...... I love you too." Without thinking I kissed him. He kissed back. We soon pulled away. "Move all your stuff into my room. Your staying with me."



(No it's not done yet. Lol. XD)

That night

Y/n's pov
I was laying with Tord. I feal the him pull me close to him. "Tord?" "Shhhhhhh. Sleep." I could feal his robot arm on my side. It was cold but I didn't mine. I soon start to fall asleep. "Night my love." He said. "Night my sweet." I say.

(Now we're done. Hope you liked it. Soooooooo ya see soon.)

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