the freak part 2

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The boys were laughing at me. Edwardo,Mark and Jon were telling me not to do something. So I didn't. I sat there with my arms crossed. "Hey, calm down. You will get use to it." Jon said. I looked him. I smilled. "Thanks." I glared at the boys.

3ed person
After sitting for a bit I hear a students scream. Then we hit something and the bus flips. We all scream. When it stops yln fealt someone on top of her. She opened her eyes to see the green guy on top of me. She trys to move but can't. "Don't move you'll make it worse." He said. She stopped, she starting to cry. "Hey.. Calm down it'll be OK." He said. "I-it hurts!" "I know but stay calm." He pushed himself up. She tryed not to scream. "Oh god." "What?!" He looks at me. "Your leg is broken." "Please. Help." He looks at you. He moves and lifts  your back up. He picks you up bride style. He climes out the emergency exit. "There they are!" He sits you down. You kelp a hold onto him. Then you blacked out.

At the ER
Edd's p.o.v
I hope she's OK. I'm sitting in the waiting room. "Edward." I look up to see a nurse. "Yes." "Y/n want to see you." I nod. I follow her to a room. I see her,she looks terrible. "E-edd." "I'm here." She starts to cry. "Thank you,thank you for saving me." "I couldn't just leave you there." She giggled. "Y/n I know we just meet but..... I think I like you more than a friend." She blushed and her tail started to go crazy. "Really." "Yes." "I love you too Edd." I give her a kiss on her head. "I'll see you at school." "Ya." She smilled and I did too.

Y/n p.o.v
I got out of the ER a few day ago and now I'm off to school. My dad is driving me because my bus is not back to normal and my mom is scared it will happen again. I don't blame her. "Y/n please be carful at school today OK." "Yes dad I will." I get out of the car and walk to the front doors. I take a deep breath and walk in.

To be continued

(Sooooooo ya) (edited)

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