jock tord x reader

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This was requested by Pixelgummygut

(Warning! There is a slight leamon near the end so be careful. Nothing too much tho and I'm not doing lemons I just wanted to try. And I'm sorry Lord. Help me)

Y/n's pov
I have been coming home with bruise and cuts. All because of the stupid people in my school. All because I'm smart. I get bullied. I live alone, my mom and dad left last week and won't be back until next year. School started a week ago. So here I am stuck. Well at lest I get the house to myself. Witch is fun.

My eyes open to here a buzzing noise. I grown and turn my alarm off. "Great..." I say. I get up and rap my arms up to hide the cuts the bullies did yesterday. I get ready. I put my f/c shirt on and my 2f/c shirt on. With my jeans. Plus socks and shoes. I grab my lunch and my school bag. And head off the the bus stop.

I get to the bus stop and sit down. I pull out my phone. In my phone I see my self. I see bags under my eyes. Not to bad tho. But still there. A black eye as well. *Sigh.* I turn my phone on and start reading stuff on Wattpad. (I broke the wall!) I hear footsteps and look over to see Tom and Edd. I turn my phone off off and put it up. So they don't brake it. I don't look at them. The sit beside me with a little gap. The bench we were sitting on was small could hold 4 people. I hear them talk I also hear my name. I didn't care. "Hey y/n? How's being alone like?" I look at Tom. "Just fine. I rather be alone thin with a dick like you."

He started at me with a blank stare. The bus pulled up and I got on with them behind me. I sit in the back. And of course Tom and Edd sit in the seats to my side. I don't look at them. Soon we get to Matt's stop. And he gets on and sits in front of Edd and Tom. Then we get to his stop.

The boy I love so much. But he would never like me. He's too cute. Tord get on. I could feal my face get red. I pull my hoodie up. He sit beside Matt. I hear them wisper stuff. On the next stop I see Tord get up and come sit beside me. 'WHY!' I yelled in my head. I don't look at him. "Y/n?" "W-what?" I say with out looking at him. "Did you call Tom a dick?"

"Yes...." Silent. Both of us were. I could hear my heart beat and my breathing. My anxiety was kicking in. We get to school and I push pass Tord. "Y/n?" I don't answer. I just get off the bus and get into school.

Let time skip

Lunch was here. I walk outside and sit down by a tree. It was nice outside. It was cold but I liked it. I took out my sandwich and started eating. "STOP PLEASE!" I hear someone yell. I get up and go look. I see Tom pushing this boy around. He looked a little like Tom. Black eyes. But they were small. Brown hair. Blue shirt instead of a blue hoodie. I shake my head and I run over to them. "Stop!" I say. Tom looks at me. "Oh look who it is. Little Miss name caller." "Oh real nice. That was a nice burn." "Shut up." He says. The boy gets up and run to me hiding behind me. "Awww how cute." Tom says. My anger was building up.

'Evey word he has said has hurt me. Everything he has done has hurt me. Now I feal numb. But I won't let it go on like this. NO MORE!' I yell in my head. I open my eyes and punch Tom right in the eye. He falls back. His noise and lip was bleading. "Come on I'll take you to the nurse." I say to the outher kid. He was limping. So I had to help him.

After I helped Jon to the nurse. Yes he told me his name. As I walked out I saw Tom sitting there to. Waiting for his turn. I smiled as I walked out.

I soon got home.

"Next day"

I hear my alarm go off. "Yay a nother day..." I do my normal stuff and go to the bus stop. I wore black pants with my (f/c) hoodie with my (2 f/c) shirt.
"Y/n?" I jump. I look over. "Jon?" He sits beside me. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you. I live near you so I decided to come to this stop to talk." "Oh...  Well ok." We stared talk intill I saw Tom and Edd. "Great.." I wisper. I don't pay attention to them neather does Jon. "Hey?!" I said nothing. "Hey!" Nothing. I fealt something grab me by my shirt lifting me up. I look to see Edd. "I heard you hit Tom. What a naughty girl. I thought you were nicer?" I growled. He just chuckled. I think fast and see the bus coming. At that time I kicked him in the nuts. He gasped and dropped me. I grabbed Jon and get on the bus. A minute later Tom and Edd get on. Passing us and giving me a death glare. Jon sat in front of me. Wanting be be with his friend Mark. We Soo get to tord's stop. He sits with his friends. They get quite. I was getting suspicious. 'There never quite.' I thought.

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