Red leader x shy reader

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Request by ItsDarkalyss

I worked for the red leader or Tord as I could say. He is nice but he could be mean at most times. But what can you do.  He is a leader so he is stressed.  But anyway.  I have to get ready.

Time skip

Y/ns POV
I hade got done with getting ready. I wore a blue suit and tie. I was scared to work. Scared Tord would tell at hurt me. It was hard to work for him. With all the fear. But what can you do. When you need money you sometimes bees to do things you don't like. Welp I have to get going.

Time skip.

I was at. My Post. Watching and waiting for anything to happen. I was a bit nervous but I shook it off. I hear the door open. I look over to see Tord. I gasp a bit and look straight. Being as still as I could and I think I did good. It was hard to but I did it. He looked at me and waved. I blinked in confusion. I waved back and he smiles. "Huh? " I say.

Tords POV

I walk out to see my new worker. Her name was y/n. She was the shy one but I could tell she could work. She did just that. Most guys are shook when they see her. So was I at first. But what can you do. I walk out and see her at her post. She looked so cute. I wave to her. And she waves back. I smile.
She smiles.

Y/ns POV

I smile back not wanting to be rude. He walks off to do God knows what. I could feal a blush. God why is he so cute. I hear an alarm. "What?! " I run in to see a monster. I gasp. It turns and looks at me. But it didn't hurt me. Just looked at me. I was shocked that I couldn't move. "Y/n! " I turn and see Tord. "Tord? " I feal an impact. "Gah! " I hit a wall. I soon black out.

Time skip.

Y/ns POV

I slowly wake up. I growl. Due to the pain. "What? " "Your awake. " I turn and see Tord. "Tord? W-what happen? " "That monster hit you making you hit the wall. " "Jezz." "Hehe. You put up a fight to stay awake. But hitting a wall will make you pass out. " "Heh." He touches my head. "Ow." "Sorry." Now that he was close I could see him so much clearly. He had an eye patch on with a gray eye. Hade of his face was red a scare. He had a robot arm. "You ok? " "Huh? Oh yeah. " "Good."

Time skip owo

Tord helped me up. "Can I ask you a question? " "Uh sure. " I said. "Y/ you like me? " I choked. "Like you? " I said nervous. "Yeah." "Ummm......... *sigh* yes. " I close my eyes thinking he would do something. But nothing. I felt him kiss me. *gasp! * I open my eyes and then slowly kiss back. He pulled away.

"I love you too. "


Ok so that was kinda sort but I'm on the bus to school. But summer is almost here so yeah. See y'all soon!

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