Tord x shy/scared reader.

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Hi my name is y/n and I live with 4 boys. Yes I know,'OMG... How, have they raped you?" And no. Well let me tell you who they are.
Edd:loves cola,loves art,and cares,he's nice and loving.
Matt:diva. But he still cars,he's nice he can help you.
Tom:he can me mean,rude,drunk,but he still has a heart.
Las but not lest we have.......
Tord:he is a perv, he LOVES hintia,guns and smokes.
Then there me,I'm shy,loves animals,loves art/making story's, and my friends. (If you don't have friends now you do...sorry)
Well let's get to the story now that you know me and my friends let's go.

I was in my room making art and listening to music. , 'my cat is missing something.' I think. I stand up and walk to my door,then it hit me. No not my idea to what to draw on the cat the door hit me. I fell back. "Ow!" I look up to see a ginger.
"Ow my god! I'm soooooo sorry!" He helps me up. "T-thats OK Matt." "OK,well me Tom and Edd are going out,so you and Tord will stay here. He said he didn't want to so, oh do you want to come sorry?" "No I'm good." "OK, SEE YA!" He left and I went back to my drawing. 'I wonder what Tord is doing?' I thought. 'Well.... It is near Halloween soooooo.' I thought. As I thought this the power went out. 'Oh great.' I thought. I stood up and walked to my door and opened it. I looked out and it was dark. (No crap it's dark. Power out!!)  I started to walk out I went to Tord's room but he was not there. I walked downstairs to see no one. "Aiiiiiii!" I heard someone scream. Then I screamed and fell over the chair. I looked up to see a clown face. I HATE clowns. I get up and run to Tord's room and shut the door. My heart is going nuts. I start to cry as I cry I slid down the door.

Tord's POV
Oh wow! I scared y/n,I met to scared Tom but I got her. It was soooooo funny. Right now I'm on the floor dieing. When I calm down I starts to hear crying? I take off my mask and walk up the stairs. I walk to my room to hear her crying. Now I feel awful. I knock on the door to hear a yelp. "Y/n, are you OK?" She opened the door and I saw her red eyes and face. I pulled her into a hug. She hugged back.

I was so scared. Tord pulled me into his room and shut the door. He sits on the bed with me in his lap. I was crying still. He was playing with my hair,he gave it a small kiss now and then. My face was red from crying and from him holding me and kissing my head. I for ones felt safe with him. I soon fall asleep.

Tord's POV
She feel asleep good. I get up and go to my desk and look at all my progress. "Looks good but...." "Tord? What are you doing?" I stop and look over,must have woken her up. "I'm doing nothing just looking at my stuff." I walk back over and lay with her. "Y/n can I tell you something?" She look at me. Oh gosh her (e/c) eyes are so cute. "Of course." She smiled. "Well, I really like you more than a friend." She started blushing. " t-too." She said looking down. I pulled her face up

He pulled my face up. To just be met with a warm par of lips. I gasp. I soon melted into the kiss. He licked my lower lip which made me gasp. He took his chance to slip his tong in. He pulled away. With a saliva going to mine and his mouth. I blush more. He pulled me in a deep hug. Then he said.

"Good night my queen."


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