This was for Victoria

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Happy birthday! Hope ya have a swell one.

Victoria pov
I was so excited. Today was my birthday. I was going to go to the the pool with my friends. As I called my friend Jane. "Hello?" "Hey Jane do you and the outhers want to come to the pool for my birthday?" "Oh um... It's your birthday?" My eyes widen. "You've know me for 7 years. How do you not know?" "Sorry." She was not sorry. "Sorry Victoria but I can't and I don't want too." Tears went down my face. She hung up. "Why?"

I was laying on my bed sad. When my phone went off. I grabbed it. "Hello?" "Hey Victoria!" "Oh hey Edd." "Do you want to come down?" "Sure." "Ok see ya soon." I sighed. I got up and grabbed my shoes and keys. 'Lets go.' I thought.

*Knock knock* "hey Victoria!" "Hey Edd." "What's wrong?' "nothing. Just sleepy." "Oh ok. Well come in!" 'Hes to happy.' I thought. I walk in and sit down. "Hey Victoria!" I look over and see Matt. "Hey." "I got ya something." "Why?" "Because I don't need it so I was going to give it to you." "Oh.... Ok." He hands me a box. "Ok bye!" He ran off. I opened the box and it was a hoodie. A black one. 'Nice.' I thought. 'Why did he have a black hoodie?,...... Tord' I thought. "Victoria?" "Hum" "Me, Matt and Tom are going out. Tord's staying here." "Ok." They leaft. 'What a great birthday.' I thought. All if a sudden the lights flashed. "The heck." *Buzz* power out. "GREAT!" I said. I heard a BAM from upstairs. "What?"

Tord's pov
Today's the day. Victoria birthday. I'm going to get her something awesome. Maybe I could tell her how I feal. *Buzz* "GREAT!" I hear her yell. "Wow." *BAM!* "Yikes!" I say as I fall. "Fun." I say. I hear foot steps. 'Shes coming.' I thought. I hear my door open. "Tord?" "Hey." "What are you doing on the floor?" "I fell." "Oh... Need help?" "Nah. Come in tho." I hear her walk in and shut the door. "Right were I want her."

Victoria pov
I walk in tord's room trying not to fall. I see tord's hair pop up. I giggled. "What?" "I see your hair. It just popped up. Hehehehe." "Hehe." He chuleked.

He stands up and grabbed my hand. My face got hot. 'Stop Victoria. He doesn't like you.' I thought. He sits down on his bed with me. "Why is the power out?" I asked. "Storm." "Oh." *Buzz* I look at my phone. It was a text message from Edd. 'Hey me and the guys are stuck out in the storm. We won't be home for a while. See ya in a bit.' "Edd and the guys won't be home for a while. Due to the storm." I tell Tord. "Oh well.... That just gives us more time alone." My face want more red. "Y-ya." I say. 'Victora come on stop thinking like this. He doesn't like you!' I yelled at my self. "Victoria?" "What?" "Happy birthday."

My eyes widen. "Y-you remembered." I said. He smiled. "Why wouldn't I." "M-my friend j-jain said s-s-she said she forgot. A-and she didn't c-care. I thought n-no one remembered. I-i-i thought no one c-c-cared." I said with crys. He pulled me close. "Hey me and the guys remembered. Edd and them went out to get you a cake." I looked up at him. "We all remembered.  We all care. I want to give you 2 gifts." "Tord you don't have too." "No. I want too. Number one is this." He moved and grabbed a box. He handed it to me. I opened the box. I gasped. I could see a neckless. It had a red heart on it. With a TxV. Meaning Tord x Victoria. My eyes got more water. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I hugged him. He hugged me back. I put it on. "Number 2 is this." He grabbed my face and kissed me. My eyes widen. 'H-He likes me!!' I yelled in my head. I soon kissed back.

Sadly he pulled away. I noticed I was in his lap. My face goes red. "What don't like sitting in my lap?" "I-i-i.. um." He chuleked. He pulled me close and layed down with me on his chest. "I love you Victoria." I look at him. "I love you too." He kissed my head. We both slowly fall asleep.

Not such a bad birthday after all.

(End. I hope ya liked it Victoria. I tryed. And I feal prod of this one. And I hope you have a great birthday. See ya soon.)

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