Tom x monster reader

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Run run run is all I can do. I've finally got out. Left my old life behind. Red leader I was his so called experiment. He was a good friend but turned sour. I have a friend named Tom. He's like me. A monster thanks to red. 'Should I call him, will he help me?' I called Tom
"Hello?" "Hey Tom do you remember me y/n?" "Y/n is that really you?" "Ya I got out." "Were are you I'm coming to help you." "I'm at 127 aka street." "OK be there in a minute." He hung up. I sat down and waited for him.

10 minutes later.

A car pulled up. "Y/n?" I look up. "Tom!" I run to him and huge him he does the same. "Come on you'll stay at my house." I got in the car. I slowly started to fall asleep. "Sleep you need it." I soon feel asleep. But before I did I said. "Thanks Tom." Then a fell asleep.

At his house.

I awoke in a warm bed with someone or something in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw Tom. My face went red. He woke up. He looked at me and smiled. "Well your finally awake." "Hey y/n I want to tell you something, I really like you." I looked at him. My blush getting more red. "Tom I really like you too." He smiled and leaned in. I did to. He kissed me a nice long loving kiss. He pulled away. "Let's get some more sleep my little monster."

"Goodnight my little monster, you are no mistake."

(I know this is short but what ever I tried..... Soooooooo I'll try to update more just you know school. See ya next Time and suggested if you want.) Edited

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