tord x brave reader

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Hello im y/n and I'm in the red army. I am the most trusted. That's why the red leader wants my help with something important. Right now I'm in my room with Paul and Pat. "Can y/n come to the leaders office, can y/n come to the leaders office." I looked at the 2 boys with worry. They shrug there shoulders. I walked out and headed to his office. *knock knock* " come in." I opened his door. "Sir you wanted to see me." "Ah yes, take a seat y/n." I closed the door and sat down. "Now y/n I have noticed that you are very brave, and I like that. I would like you too help me with a mission." "Thank you sir and I would be honored to be part of it." "Good. Now at 8:00 tonight meet me out aide of the bass. Were something nice like a dress. Make sure you have a dagger at hand." "Will do sir." "Good. Now you my go." I stood up and left. 'I wounder why he want me to were a dress?' I thought. I got back too my room. I looked the clock. 6:00. 'I'll take a short nap.' I think. I put a alarm on for 7:00. I lay down and soon fall asleep.

7:00 y/n POV.
I hear a beeping noise. I growled. I look over to see my clock going off. Then it hit me. I turn it off and get up. I grabbed my red dress. With my black flats. I did my hair. I looked at the clock. 7:58. I heard a knock knock at the door. I walk over and open it. I saw Tord he wears a red and black suit. He looks at me and started to blush. "Wow you look amazing." I blushed. "Why thank you sir." "No need to call me sir when we are alone." "Are you sure."  "Yes I am....y/n" I nodded. We walked out and he put his arm around my waste. We get to the car. He opens the door for me and closes it. He gets in and starts the car.

dinner y/n's POV
We were waiting in this nice fancy restaurant. It was wonderful. Me and Tord ordered stake. (Sorry if you don't eat meat if you don't you can Chang it.) We were eating. "This is wonderful Tord." "Ya but I know what's way more wonderful." I look at him. "What might that be?" He chucked. "You" I blushed. "M-me. No um nothing wonderful or special." I say. "Why yes you are. You are the smartest girl I know and the braves." I blushed. "Well thank you. No ones ever said something so sweet to me." "Really no one. Well I'm glade im the first."

After dinner.
Y/n's POV
Me and Tord got back to base. We walked in to see everyone was asleep. "Y/n can you change and sleep in my room?" I blushed. "O-ok." I walked slowly And quick to my room and changed in to some pj's. I walked to his room. *knock knock.*  "come in." I walked in. I walked to his bed. He came up behind me and rapped his arms around my waste. I squeaked. "Calm down it's just me." "Oh. You scared me." "Come on. Let's lay down." "OK." We layed down and he pulled me close.  He kissed me. 'Oh NY god he's missing me!!' I said in my head. I kissed back. We pulled back. He smilled. "I love you." I looked up. "I love you too." "Good night my queen."

"Goodnight my king."

(Omg I'm done!
YAY! I'm sorry I'm haven't updated a lot school and Xmas and stuff. Soooo ya I have one I'm working on one right know. Matt x small reader so ya buy.)

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