The freak part 3 (End)

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Y/n I walk into school everyone looking at me. I had cruches. I try and not look at everyone. I get my first class. I sat in the back. I see Edd walk in. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He walked and sat beside me. "Hey, how do you feel?" "Hey. I feel fine I guess." I look over and see this girl giving me a death glar. "Edd. Why is that girl glaring at me?" Edd looked at me. "Oh I dated her 2 years ago and she still likes me." I nodded.

After class (lunch)

Y/n's pov
I was walking to lunch a little later after everyone else. I get pushed to the ground. *BAM!" I growled. I look up and see that girl. "You leave my Eddie Alon!" "He's not your's. He's mine!"

Edds pov
I was walking to the bathroom. When I heard a BAM. I walk and see my Ex pushing y/n to the ground. "You stay away from my Eddie!" "He's not your's. He's mine!" She yelled back. I blinked in shock. I she my Ex about to punch y/n. I run and grab her hand.

Y/n's pov
I closed my eyes waiting for the hit. But it never came. I look up and see Edd. He grabbed her hand. She turned and said. "Oh hi Eddie. How are you?" "Leave my girl Alon." "Ya Eddie tell her that." She said and points at me. "No! I mean you!" He said and jerked her away from me, making her fall. "But I love you!" "If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me. Now leave." "But-" "NOW!" She got up and ran.

Edd sat beside me and pulled me into his lap. I blushed. He pulled me into a kiss. I gasped but kissed back. He pulled away. "I will let no one hurt you." He kissed my cheek. "Thank you....

I love you."

"I love you too my sweet little candy 🍬"

(End. Sorry it took so long. I forgot I did this. 😅. So I'll see you soon. Request if ya like. I need more ideas. See ya. Love you all."

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