kidsworld x new student

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I was a new student in my sisters school. She was in 2ed grade is was starting 1st in her school. I'm so scared. I hate being the new kid. But my mom said I should try. I guess I will. But I won't like it.

My mom pulled into the school a bit after it started. We walk in and they tell me my class. I hug my mom and go to the class. When I got there a teacher was standing outside the door. "Oh you must be y/n? " "Yes." I whisper. "No need to be scared. Come in I'll introduce you. " We walk in and I see a bunch of boys and only a few girls. "Ok.  Class we have a new student.  There name us y/n. Please make her feel at home. Go sit beside Edd.  Edd please raise your hand. " I saw a boy in a green shirt raise his hand.  I walk over and sit beside him. I don't look at him but I could tell he was looking at me.

When lunch came around I didn't want to eat.  I was scared to walk in there. But my sister came a few seconds after me.  "Y/n! " I turn and see her.  I hug her as the same she does for me. She asked her teacher and mine if I or her could eat with me.  They said yes.  I was so happy.  We got our lunch and choose to sit will my class.  There were 2 seats open.  But they were beside that Edd guys and some of his friends.  My sis walked up with me and asked if we could sit here.  They said yes.  I didn't talk to then just my sis. When lunch was over I was sad. But I left my sis.

After lunch we go outside. I sat in the sandbox by myself. "Hi. Your y/n right? " I look up and see Edd.  "Uhhhh. Ya. " I say.  "Nice to meet you!  I'm Edd and this is Matt, Tom and Tord. " I look to his right Matt hade purple,  Tom hade blue and Tord red.  "Uh... Hi. " I wave.  "Can we join you? " Edd said.  "Sure." They got in and started to play. It was quite fun. "So why did you move here? " "Oh. My dad got a new job so we hade to come here. " "Oh well sorry you hade to leave your old friends behind.  But you can make new ones.  Like us! " Edd said.  I smiled.  "Ya I guess so. "

Many years later.

Y/n's POV
As I sat here with the gang we talk about how we meet.  I smiled remembering the times. "Well guys. We hade fun back then we can do it now.  How about we play so games. " They all smiled.  "Sure! " They say.

What fun the guys are.

(I'm sorry I've been gone.  I've hade school and stuff.  I am working on more and my YouTube.  So ya.  Thank you for staying and dealing with me.)

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