edd x shy short reader

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Hi my name is y/n and I live with Edd, Tom, Matt and Tord. Now you. Might ask why would a girl live with 4 boys. Well I've known them cents middle school.  Let me tell you a bit about them.
OK he well...a drunk but does care and help his friends.
Um..diva to say the lest. He cares and loves people but does get scared by people when they make fast movements..Because Tord punched him.
He.....is a perv and loves hentie. And more...
Saved best for last Edd!
He loves cola art and loves cats.
Now me. Well I am y/n and I am a shy little potato. I am shy and short.
Man I've been awake for a long time. I look at the clock. 2:47 am. Goodness all most 3 am. *creek* I yelp and turn to see a shadow. I get under my blanks and start to shake. I felt a hand touch me. I yelp and fall off the Sofia. *thump.* "y/n are you OK?" I peek out and see a red hoodie. "T-tord you scared me." I say as I sit up. I heard more foot steps. I look over to see Edd. "Oh. Hey guys what are you doing up?" "I could ask you the same." Tord said. I stand up. My legs were shaking. "Oh did I scare you so bad your legs started shaking." He said. Tord picks me up bride style. "Tord put me down." I say. He sit down with me in his lap. 'I don't like this.' I think. Edd comes over and sits next to us. I look at him and he looks at me. I try to get to him. "Hey were do you think your going?" " I want Eddie." "Well he doesn't want you." I give up. 'What if he's right?' I thought. "Tord....that's not true. I want to cuddle her." he says. I blushed. " oh OK." He says and hands me to him. I look at them. "T-this was planed right." "Yep." They both say. I glowed. "You jerks." "Haha well you wanted Edd." Tord said. I blushed more. "Well you 2 have fun I'm going back to my room." Tord leaves us. "Hehe sorry about that y/n." I growled. "Ohhh please don't be man." I said nothing. "OK you asked for it." I don't understand what he ment. Till he started to tickle me. I gasp. "Noooooooooooooo stop!!" I say he just laughed.

After a few minutes of tickles. 
He stopped. "Thank you." I say.
He giggled. "Let's get some sleep." He piked me up and walked to his room. He layed me and him down and pulled me close. We both fell asleep.

The next day
Y/n pov
I awoke and fealt warmth. Something in front of me. I look up to see Edd. I yelp quietly. I start to blush. He started to move. I closed my eyes so he would think I'm asleep. "Oh how cute, so small too." He giggled. I tried not to jump up and hit him. He got out of bed and left.

Edd's POV
I awoke to see y/n still asleep. "Oh how cute,so small to." I say and giggle. I get up and leave. When I get down stairs I see Tord. "Hey Tord, thanks for helping me last night." "No problem but,will you kiss her today?" "I would but I can't just walk up to her and do it." "Well Xmas is only a few days from now so we can put some stuff up including a missotoe."  Edd smilled. "OK let's do it." They started while Tom and Matt were out and y/n is "sleeping." 

After Edd left I stayed like this for a bit in case he came back in. I got up when I thought it was safe and moved a bit so my bones would pop.   (Idk 😂😂)
After that I walked out of Edd's room and I go to mine. I open the door and walk to my draw and grab some clothes. I walk yo my bathroom and close the door and started the shower. I took my stuff off and got in.

After shower

I left the bathroom with my favorite clothes on. I wore a (f/c) shirt with (2ed f/c) hoodie. With some blue jeans. (Have you hair the way you want it.) And some socks. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs. "Hey y/n." I yelp and turn to see Matt. "H-hey M-Matt." I studier. "Y/n can you help me?" "Sure Tom." I walk to the kitchen. I help Tom.

After Xmas stuff was up.
Edd's POV

We all finished after so long but its worth it. I look at y/n and blush a bit. "OK Edd take her up stairs and let her help you with the thing I told you OK." "Ok." I walk up to y/n. "Hey y/n can you help me with something up stairs?" "S-sure Edd." We both walked upstairs and I took her to my room and told her to close her eyes. She did. I grabbed her gift.

Y/n's POV
I closed my eyes. 'What is he doing?' I asked my self. "OK open." I open my eyes to see a green gift box. "What is this for?" "Well I know you b-day is coming and I want you to have this early." I blushed. "Thank you." I open it and see a pretty blue red green and purple flower crown. "Thank you Edd I love it." I put it and smilled. "Edd Y/n come down stairs!" Yelled Tord. Me and Edd walked out. We walked downstairs. We stopped at the doorway to the kitchen. "Oh my you 2 are lucky~" Tord said. "What?" "Look up." He said. I look up to see a missadoe.  

I yelp and try to run but Edd got me. He looked at me then smashed his lips into mine. I was shocked but slowly melted into it. I hear cheering. Edd pulled away and I looked at him. He smilled and I blushed and put my face into his hoodie.

"Why so shy my little butterfly." He said.

(The end ya. I need help haha. Welp request if ya want. Buy! Have a good day/night. Buy my little readers)

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