Monster Edd x reader

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This was a requested by Eddsworldfanzz

Y/n's POV
Hi my names y/n and I live with the eddsworld crew. Now I must tell you they are all have monster. Tom has a purple and blue tail and horns. Matt has green and purple tail and horns. Tord has dark red and light red tail and horns. Edd has light and dark green horns. Me I don't have a tail or horns. I'm normal I guess.

Y/n's POV
I was on the the chair in Matt's lap. He was doing my hair that's the only reason I'm sitting in his lap. Hr has his tail raped around my waste. He was coming my hair. "What are you two doing?" I yelp and turn. I see Tom. "Hey Tom." I say." "Hello!" Matt says. "Sooo what are you two doing?" "Oh Matt's doing my hair." I say as I point to my head. He gives Matt a dirty look. I heard Matt growl. I let out a sigh. 'I know these guys like me but why do they do stuff like this.' I asked myself. I get up and walk to my room. I lay down and try to relaxed. I soon start to fall asleep.
I wake up and hear yelling. "W-what?" I get up and walk down stairs. I see Tom and Tord yelling at eachouther. "Guys what are doing!" I scream. They wouldn't stop. I heard footsteps from up stair's. I look back and see Edd. I turn my head back to fight and blush. 'Oh my gosh Edd is back from his trip.' Yes Edd left and yes I have a crush on the green cola loving guy. "She doesn't like you!" Tord yelled. I have had enough. "Shut up!!" I yell. Tom and Tord look at me. "What are you guys fighting about!" They both blush. "There fighting over you." I hear Matt. I turn and see him with a black eye and a bloody nose. I gasp. I turn back tom Tom and Tord. "WHAT DID YOU TWO DO TOO HIM!" I say as I point to Matt. They jump. I go over too Matt and help him. I take him to the bathroom. I start to clean him up.

Edds's POV
Wow she's mad. Never seen her this mad. I look at Tom and Tord. "Y'all have messed up." I say. "Shut up Edd." Says Tom.

Y/n's POV
I wipe Matt's noise. "Are you ok.?" I ask " y-ya. Just hurt." I fix his eye and his noise. "There. All good?" "Yep. Thanks y/n." "No problem." We walk out and I see Tom, Edd and Tord sitting down. "Hey guys." I day in a mad buy happy tone. Matt sits down and I go get a drink. I come back and see no more seats. I sit on the floor in front of Edd. Soon Edd taps my shoulder. I look at him. "You can sit in my lap." He whispers in my ear. I blush but I node. I get up he pulls me into his lap. I blush more. I hear him chuckle.

Edd's POV
She's blushing more. I chuckle. I hear a growl. I look over and see Tom Matt and Tord. Giving me a glare. There eyes glowing. I smile and kiss y/n on the cheek. She yelped. She looks at me. "What?" I say with a smirk. She looks away from me.

Tom's POV (you weren't expecting that were you haha.)

He's doing this to make us mad. He know we like her. Her face is so red. She'd falling for him.

Tord's POV
How could she fall for him. He's not as good looking or as flirty as me.

Matt's POV
How cone she likes him. She should like me I'm look so handsome. How could no one like me?

3ed person
You soon start to fall asleep.
Edd looks at you. He picks you up and walks up the steps. He goes to the door. You start to move. Your having a bad dream. He walks in and closed the door. You soon wake up.

Y/n's POV
"Edd?" "Oh your awake." He sit down with me still in his lap. "Y/n I have something to tell you." "What is it?" "I like you no love you." My eyes widened. I jump at him and hug him. He falls back words and I'm on top of him. "I live you too." He hugs me. He sits up with me in his lap. He looks at me. He pulls me into a kiss. I kiss back. We sit there for a bit just kissing. He leans over to my shoulder and bits it. "Ouch!" He stops and licks it. "Why'd you do that?" "To mark you. So no one in this house takes you." I blush more. We lay down.

"Good night my green monster."

"Good night my baby girl."

(Yay I'm done. This took a week. Aiiiii. Well tell me what you want next and thank you Eddsworldfanzz for your request. See ya next time my readers.) 😊😊

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