monster Tom x neko reader

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Hi! My name is y/n and in a neko. I have (which ever cooler you want as your ears and tail) tail and ears. I like with 4 boys. There names are Edd,Matt,Tord a Tom. They are all monsters. Edd is a superhero, Matt is a vampire,Tord is a monster and Tom is a monster to. I have known the boys since Pre-K. They are nice and sweet but they can also be rude sometimes. Let me tell you about each boy. Number one Edd he is sweet caring and loving, he loves art and cola. Number two Matt he is nice and caring as well he is an diva but he still cares but he looks at himself in the mirror a lot but since he's a vampire he can't do that anymore which makes him sad. Number three tord can be nice but..... He is a pervert and he will come up behind me and sometimes slap my butt and I Yelp. He reads hintia. And last but not least number for Tom now this boy has sparked my eye he's half monster just like tord but I still have a spark for him I don't know but let's get to him he has no eyes he's sweet but he can be rude he likes alcohol and he scares me when he gets drunk. Well now that you know me and the boys let's get to the story.

Y/n pov
I was sitting on the couch reading a story. And Matt was sitting beside me watching the children he was laughing and giggling. I didn't pay too much attention to him. I started to get into the book more it started getting good then all of a sudden I heard Edd scream. " Oh my God EDD what's wrong!" " we're out of cola!" I think to myself what in the world oh well I should be getting used to this you know when we lived here for 4 months still can't get used to this and that much. He walks up to Matt. They start talking I don't listen much I go back to my book. I stay reading and about a minute later I looked over to see no Matt or Edd. I didn't think much of it I just thought they went out to get more Cola. All the sudden I hear a door slam! I look over at the stairs and see a mad Tom. And just as I thought it wouldn't get any worse I saw Tord walk down the stairs more mad than him. I think in my mind oh gosh what is Tom and tord done now to get each other so mad. As I was thinking I didn't notice both of them starting to fight until Tord hit Tom and make him fly backwards. Now tord and Tom's monster side was coming out. Tord monster side was more scary than his regular side he had red and dark red horns plus a tail he got these Long Claws that fur kind of stuff would go from his elbows to his hands and making him have Claus. Now Tom was more scary he had purple and blue claws, horns and a tail just like tord but was way more violent to say the least. I start to get scared I put my legs up to my chest to try to calm myself down. Screaming at each other and I can feel myself starting to tear up I stand up and run to my room Not Looking Back.

Toms POV
She ran upstairs Ugg why must this commie be so dang annoying. He kept teasing me about how I like y/n and how she's my mate. Yes I know she's my mate but he kept saying if I didn't mate with her he would take her away! I started getting more and more mad I could feel my rage my monster side trying to bust out but I try to keep him in he would end up hurting her. I didn't care about tord that much but I still don't want to hurt him well that's a lie I want to hurt him but I don't want to kill him I don't want EDD getting all mad at me. I stand up and walk past him he yells at me telling me where you going why don't you fight me. I walk up to her room and as I do I heard a door slam I knew it was Tord leaving the house. I knock on the door waiting for someone to answer I knocked again no answer. I open the door surprisingly it was unlocked for once. Everytime me and tord fight she goes in her room and lock the door so we wouldn't end up coming up there. I walk in to see her sleep with her headphones on and tears going down her eyes. I feal bad. I sit on her bed at the corner and I rub her head her cat ears twitch. A smile to myself my ears twitch to. I start smelling the air and I can smell the sweet scent. I don't know where it's coming from but its so good. I look left and right and then I look at her it's coming from her. I hum to myself thinking no wonder she smells so good it's mating season so I guess she would smell like this now I sound weird haha. She starts moving I know she's about to wake up but I didn't care I walked to the door closing it and making sure to lock it. I look at her and she looks at me she looks rather scared like I'm going to hurt her I don't blame her. I walk up to her and sit on her bed and she moves back some." Hey hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not going to let Tord or anyone hurt you." She starts to cry again and hugs me and cries into my chest. "T-tom I lo-love you,i-im sorry." She says. I hug her back." There's no need to be sorry well for you, I'm the one that should be saying sorry and I'm sorry for what me and Tord has done for these past few months. We made your life just horrible. We fought because he won't stop teasing me cuz of you not cuz he hates you its cuz he wants to be your mate not me. I'm your mate as you can tell by now but he wants to take you away. But I won't let him." She smiles which makes me smile.

Narrator POV
Tom gets closer to her and pulled her into a deep kiss. Y/n gasp but slowly melt into the kiss. He brushed his tongue on her lower lip asking for an entrance. s
She hesitated but let's him. After a few minutes of doing this Tom pulls away and looks at her.

"I love you my one and only."

( oh my gosh too many words this took too long will give me what you want for the next Dory and I'll do it so I hope you like it and yeah tell me what you want. 1230 words) (edited.)

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