Matt x shy & scared ready,

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You were under your bed, you were hiding from Matt. He trying to tickle you. You were scared he would find you. You heard foot steps, you held your breath. You saw Matt's shoes. You started to panic. But stayed quiet. "Oh we're oh we're could my little
Y/n be?" You tryed soooooo hard not giggled. He walked away or so you though.

Matt's pov
Oh she thought she could hide from me. Oh no,no,no she could not. I knew she was under the bed, why because I heard shuffling. I prentened to not noticed. "Oh we're ow we're could my little  y/n be?" Then I  walked away she probably thinks I left but I didn't. I walked to the door opened it and closed like I left and I hided in the corner.

Y/n's pov
He left now I can get out from under​ the bed. I slowly got out from under the bed. I fealt like I was being watched. All of a suden something grabbed me. I yelped. What ever it was it started to tickle me. I knew then and there it was Matt. "Matt, s-stop!" I said in giggled. He slowly stopped but the I noticed he was on top of me, straddling me all most. I started to blush. He must have noticed because he gave me a scary grin. He got off me and picked me up bride style. I yelped. "Matt w-what are y-you doing?" I said blushing more.

Matt's pov
I picked her up bride style and brought her to my room. I wasn't going to do something bad to her,just tell her I like her and cuddle and give her a kiss.
I sat in the bed with y/n in my lap. "Hey y/n I wanted to tell you something." "W-What is it?" "That I really like you." She blushed and I felt so bad. "I l-like you as well." I smiled. I leaned in so did she. We kissed.

Y/n's pov
He kissed me!!! He sadly pulled away. He pulled me back into the bed and rapped his arms around my waist. I cuddled into his chest. We both fell asleep. But befor I did I heard him say.

"Goodnight my little flower." I smiled and fell asleep.

The end. (Edited)

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