ticcishade x Tom

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This is for my friend!

ticci's POV

I moved in with Edd and his friends a few weeks ago and its been fine. Iv'e got to get to know them better. It's fun but its hard. They all are different but all the same. I don't know I'm just tired.  I've been up for 5 days straight.  Only gets a 10 minute nap.  Sometimes less. Well I'll just try to get some sleep. I thought. I walked upstairs and walked yo my room.  I walked and shut the door.  I lay down and soon fall asleep.

Tom's POV
I hear a door open Ed then close.  It can't be the guys they just left.  I get up and go check it out.  I walk to Ticci's room. I see her laying there.  Fast asleep.  "Wow. Finally asleep. " I whisper.  I walk in and shut the door.  I sit on her bed and look at her.  A smile grew on my face. 'I wish you knew. ' I thought. "Tom? " I jump and see her still asleep.  I let out a breathe. 'Thank god. ' I thought.  "I wish I could tell you how I feel.  How much I like you.  No how much I love you.  I want to but I'm scared. " I say.

Ticci's POV
I was blushing so hard.  Tom liked me.   I slowly sit up and look at him. 
"Tom? " He jumped.  "Oh hat Ticci's! " He say as he looks at me.  "Tom you like me? " He blinks and sighs.  "Yes. I'm sorry. " "Why?! " "You probably don't like me. " "Tom I do like you no love you! " I say without thinking.  "You do? " "Yes." He gets closer and cupped my face. Brushing my golden hair out of my face. I blushing.  He leaned in and we kissed. 

"What a day.  What a good day. "

(Sorry  it's short

(So this was for a friend.  She got rid of her Cancer.  And I'm sooooooooooo happy.  I wish you the beat of luck and  hope you have fun doing things you couldn't do BW fore. This is for TicciShade!)

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