tall tord x small and scared reader

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Y/n's pov
"Tord go away!" I yell from my room. I was trying to hide. He was trying to put me somewere high. "Oh y/n please come out I won't hurt ya." He sang. I was under my bed. I was small so I could fit. I soon hear beating. My door. 'He's going to break down the door.' I thought. 'Great job Edd leaving me with Tord and you,Tom and Matt go out.'  *BAM!* I yelp a bit. "Oh y/n~" He sang. I put a hands over my mouth.  'please don't find me. Please don't find me.' I keep repeating It in my head.  "Come out, come out wherever you are,~" I tryed no to giggle because it was quite funny.  Seeing Tord run around only to put me somewere I can't get down. My smile soon falls as I see his feet. Sweat drips down my head.

Tords pov
I look around y/n's room. Nothing.  'she can hide but not forever.' I thought. I move away to her door I open it and slammed it. Liked I left. I didn't break her door just let myself in. I stay in the corner waiting.

Y/n's pov
I hear the door open the close. 'he left! Thank God!' I thought. I wait a few minutes to see if he comes back. After not hearing anything I started to get out from under the bed. I soon get out. I get up and all of a sudden the lights go out. "Gah!" I scream.  I'm start to shake. I get scared easy. I walk to the door and open it. The light were off too. 'power must be out.' I thought. I soon walk out of my room. I hear rain. I hear my door slam. "Aii!" I scream. I turn and see something run by. "T-tord?" I hear a low growl. I run off. I run to the closest door. I open it and run in. I run to what I think was the bathroom. I open the door and run in. Closing the door. I try to lock it but there was no lock. 'not a bathroom. It's a closit.' I thought. I sit down in the back. Trying not to cry.

Tord's pov
Wow what perfect timing. Power went out and I could scare her. I run after her. She runs in my room. I wait a minute to let her hide. I soon walk in. But when I do I hear sobbing. I walk to my closet. I open it and shin my flashlight in. I see y/n shaking. She looked like she was having a painc attack. I gasp and hug her. She Yelp but hugs me back. Crying hard. "T-there was a mo-monster." She says. I say quite. I pick her up and walk her to my bed. I lay down with her snuggled up with me. She was still crying. "Shhhh, it's ok. It's ok." I wispered to her. Her breathing was slowing down. I rubbed her back. She soon stopped cligging to me. I heard her breathing softly. "Y/n?" No answer. She's asleep. *Sigh.*

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