tord x drinker reader

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Requested by Anme_louing_gurl

(WARNING this my be disturbing to some.)

Tord's pov
We're is she? She's been out all day. As soon as my thoughts hit her I heard a door open. I look over and see her walk in with a bottle. No. I thought. "Hey guys..." She said. She look around. "WErE is eveyOnE." She slired. "Y/n." She turned and looked at me. "Oh hi Tird how you dooooing.. hehehehe" "Tird.. ok." I didn't like that name but she was druk. "Ok let's get you to bed." I say. I put my arm around her. "Hhehehe. You know Tird. I really like you. I'm just to scared to tell you when I'm not drunk." She said in between hiccups. My face became red.

I get her to her room. I lay her on the bed. "Know get some sleep." I say. "NooOoOo... Stay with me." She held onto my arm. 'Well if I do then I can lay with my crush.' I thought. I move and lay beside her. She cuddles me. I put my arms around her and fall asleep.

Y/n's pov
I wake up with a splitting headache. *Growl.* I sit up. I look around and see that I'm in my room. "Huh...." My eyes widen. I turn and flip the covers. To see no one. 'Thank god.' I thought. I get up and got some new clothes. I walk to my bathroom and got the water started. I hoped in and let it hit my face and body. *Sigh.* "I need to stop drinking." I wispered to my self. I wash and get out. I dry off and put my clothes on. I wore a black shirt, blue sweat pants. Socks and I start looking for my hoodie. "We're is it?" My head started to trob. "Nevermind that I need a pain killer." I say. I walk out if my room and downstairs. I look around and saw no one. "What?" I wisper. I walk to the kitchen and see a note.

          "Dear y/n and Tord.
Me, Matt and Tom are going out. We will be gone all day and all day tomorrow. Sorry we didn't tell you y/n. Tord said you came home drunk. Plz be carful. Your friend Edd."

I read to my self. 'Great.' I thought. 'well at least I'm with him. Maybe I can talk to him and tell him how I feel.' I think to myself.

"Well good morning." I Yelp. I turn and see Tord. "Oh hey Tord." "Get some good sleep?" "Ya..ouch!" I grab my head.

Tord's pov
"Ya..ouch!" I blinked in confusin. I smirk. "Hangover?" She looks at me. Her face turning red. "Y-ya.." I chuleked. I walk to the frig and grab a water. I hand it to her and go grab a pain killer. "Here." "Thanks." She takes the pill. "Tord have you seen my hoodie?" "No I can't say I have." "Oh ok." "But I'll keep an eye out." "Thanks again."

Y/n's pov
I walk to my room looking for my hoodie. 'were the heck is it.' I thought. "Y/n come here!" I hear Tord yell. I walk downstairs. "Ya." "Can you sit down please?" "Um..ok." I sit beside him. "Y/n I'm worrying. You drink alot and you come home late. I'm worrying about your health and your safety. You coming home at night, you could get kinaped. Can you please try and not drink so much. Please..." He was about to cry. I blinked. Tears going down my face. "O-ok I'll t-try." I tryed not to cry. He pulled me into a hug. I started to cry.

"Hey it's ok." Tord said. "I-im n-n-not going to drink any-any more." "Thanks you."

2 hour's later.

Y/n's pov
I was watching TV. Just whatever was on. I was hafe asleep. I hear someone walk downstairs. I hear them walk to me and sit beside me. I feel myself being lifted up. "Huh." I open my eyes a bit and see red. 'red?' I thought. I look up a bit and see Tord. "T-tord?" He looks down. "Well hello." I started to shake. "Are you cold?" I nodded. He moves me back. He took off his hoodie. "Here." "What about you." I say. "I'm ok as long as I can cuddle you." I blushed. "O-ok." I grab his hoodie and put it on. He rapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest.

"Tord?" "Hum" "I had a dream I came home the bar and you took me to my room and cuddled with me." I heard him chuleked. "What. What's so funny?" "That was no dream." My face went more red. "Oh..."

"Y/n.. I really like you. More than you think." I smiled. "I love you to Tord." He giggled. "Glad you feel the same." He kissed my head. We soon fell asleep.

(Bones ending)

"Awww there so cute." Edd said. "They are!" Matt shouted. "You 2 and them are going to make me sick." Tom said. "Be quite Tom it's cute." Edd said. "How about all of y'all go away." They look over and see Tord staring at them. Before that could say anything he pointed at y/n. "Fine." Matt and Edd said. "Whatever." Tom said.

(End. Hope y'all liked it I'm working on one right now and it's hard so ya. See ya soon.)

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