Tom x shy reader

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Your friend Edd asked you if you wanted to move in with him and his roommates. You said yes. Edd hade come in his car to come pick you and your stuff up. "Soo y/n how has life been?" "It has been ok." "You still shy?" You blushed and he giggled. "I guess that is a yes." You 2 pulled into the driveway. You got out of the car with Edd right behind you. He opened the truck and you grabbed your stuff, you din't have much just to bags and a book bag.

You and Edd walked in his house. "Tom, Matt, Tord come meet our new roommate!!" Edd screamed. You jumped when he screamed this. All of a suden you heard foot steps. The you saw three boys. One if them was a red head or the outher word for it, he had a purple hoodie with a green over coat? The there was a man with hair that was like horns he wore a red hoodie. Last there was a guy with no eyes?!?!, And wore a blue hoodie. They all wore blue jeans. Oh and Edd had brow hair with a green hoodie with tan pants. Ok ok back to the story.

"Hey guys this is y/n our new roommate!" "Wow a new roommate,Soo cool to have a new friend!" Said the ginger. "Ok y/n this is Matt he is the ginger one, then Tord the one with horns, and Tom the one with no eyes." You waved but you tryed to hide your face. Matt came up to you and hugged you. You blushed. After a minute he let you go. "Come on y/n let's take your stuff to your room." You only nooded.

Toms pov
Wow our new roommate is soooo cute. The way she blushed and hid her face. I was daydreaming when the commie came in. "Hay Jovan's witness​, what you doing?" "Nothing you commits." I said. He just rolled his eyes and walked off. I got up and walked to my room. On my way I heard singing and bass playing. I peeked into y/n's room saw her playing her bass and singing. The song she was singing was 'can't help falling in love with you.' I smiled. When she was done I opened the door and clapped my hands. She got scared and yelped. She turned around and saw me she started blushing.

Y/n pov

OMG he saw me. The guy I have a crush on. Well I know Edd,Tom,Matt and ,Tord since Pre-K. I just have not seen then in a long time. Ok back to story. I was blushing. Tom walked up to me and pulled me to him. "W-What a-are you d-d-doing?" "You are so cute when you stutter." I blushed more. He got closer to me in till our lips mached. I slowly melted into the kiss. I closed my eyes.

"Y/n?" "Yes" "I love you." I smiled "I love you too " he smiled and we hugged and kissed then snuggled

The end.

(What u think.(edited)

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