jock Edd x nerd reader

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Hi my name is y/n and I'm starting highschool. I'm a little scared,because I am a nerd as people call me. Just because I'm smart and I have good grades. Does that make me a nerd. I don't know and i don't care. I don't care what people say about me. Why should i care? Well I guess we can go ahead and tell the story. See ya.

I was walking to the bus stop and reading a book. I looked up at times to make sure that I was safe. When I got to the bus stop I sat down in the bench. I heard some more footsteps coming my way. I looked up to see 3 boys. One had a green button up, the 2ed one had a purple sweater with a weird chin,the las one had a blue shirt on and look shy. "Hello,my name is Edwardo, this is Mark and Jon." "Well hello, my name is y/n...nice to meet you 3." I smiled they did the same. They sat with me. Mark on the left,Edwardo on the right and Jon in front of me. We talked and laughed. The bus pulled up and we all walked up to it. The buss driver said we all sit in the back. We all walked down the little walk way. We all sat in the back and they talked but I read. The next stop came and people went quite. I looked up and saw 4 boys. One was the leader I would say. One had brown hair with a green hoodie. The 2ed one had no eyes and a blue hoodie,the 3ed one had a green overcoat and a purple hoodie. The last one had horned hair with a red hoodie. I could tell they were the cool kids. I just went back to reading my book. They sat in the seats beside us. I growled. "Well....well......well look who it is the 3 nerds with a girl, wow" "stop calling us that!" Edwardo said. "Why you 3 are nerds." I looked at them. "Tell me what nerd means to you." I said. The 4 looked shocked. "Well nerd means, you like school,you love books, you like math and all the other things, you get good grades all the time." I looked at them and giggled. "Well we might be nerds but..... If you read a book you guys may get some brains because right now you have none." I said. There mouths dropped and people around that heard giggle and with oh burn. I had a smile on my face and I turned back to my book. Edwardo,Mark and Jon were trying not to laugh. I took a peek and saw the 4 boys were pissed. I giggled a bit.

At school.
We all got off the bus. I smiled seeing that I was off that buss of hell. Edwardo came up to me. "So what are your classes?" "Math,s,ss,ela,PE,singing,cooking,art." He smiled. "Cool we have 4 classes together same with Mark and Jon they go with me." "Cool what are the classes?" "Math,cooking,PE, and art." "Nice. Let's go then." I said as we all started walking to our class. When we got to math we all sat together. After a few minutes the teacher came in. "Hello class my name is Mr Burt." We didn't do much well it's because its the first day. After class I went to my next class. S, science is my favorite subject. I smilled to my self. I walked in and saw the no eyes guy. I growled. The only seat left was right beside him. Great I thought. I walked over and sat down and didn't look at him. The class went by but not to much trouble from him. Next as here we go.

After going to lunch.
Last class great. Art my 2ed favorite class. I walked in to see him. The green hoodie guy. I rolled my eyes. I saw Edwardo and his friends. I smile and walk over to them and sit down, only bad thing is we sit right beside green guy. Well his friend are Tom or no eyes,Matt or fabulous, then Tord the horned. Tom said the green one was Edd. I was drawing in my notebook. I was drawing a cat. "Wow! Y/n that's really good." Jon said. I blushed. "Hehe, its nothing really." I start again. Edwardo, Mark and Jon were talking. I finished my cat. I took a good look at it. It's missing something. I thought. Then it hit me a bow. The cat needs a bow. You smiled and started to draw a bow. When I was done it looked so cool. I felt something hit my head. "Ouch!"
I looked down and saw a ball of paper. I uncrumpled it. It read hey nerd I just wanted to say that you look like an idiot: from edd.

I grown. "Jerk." I said under my breath. Jon looked at me. "You OK?" "Ya..." I started to cooler my cat. The teacher walked in. "We are starting a project and you are going to have a partner." " okay partners are... Jon and tom, Matt and Edwardo, Mark and Tord and last is y/n and Edd." I growed. Great time with this jerk I think. " okay go with your partner's to each table and think about what time you two are going to meet up after school and what you two are going to do. The project is to make what your favorite thing is." I get out of my seat and I walk to Edd. He looks mad I don't blame him. I sat down beside him and I don't look at him we sit there for a few minutes without talking. I like him. "So were are we meeting and time?" He didn't answer me. I grown. I get a piece of paper out write down my phone number write now where I live and what time to be there. I also wrote telling him that if he doesn't want to work on this project with me that he can get a bad grade. I wrote my name on it and I gave it to him. He looked at me in a weird way I gave him a glare. I stand up grab my stuff and then the bell rings. I smile thinking today is over hopefully he will come over. I'm walking to my locker to get my stuff I need. I'll walk to where I need to be and wait for the bus to get here. I see Edd messing with my friends I growl. I walk up to them and push them out of the way and grab my three friends and pull them where I was. I ask them if they are okay they say yes and they thank me. We all sit down and wait for the bus I'll look over at Edd he's giving me a weird look and I don't like it.

(When I get home.)
Finally I'm home I think. I walk inside and look for my mom and dad. I see a note on the counter. It read hey honey me and your dad won't be home for a week sorry to tell you this but we have to go on a late job out of the city love you XOXO. Great to be home alone and my partner might come over and that scares me a bit. I think. I hear a bang at the door. I open the door and see Edd. "What are doing here, its not even time." He pushes me against the wall. "WHAT are you doing?!?!?" He then kissed me me. I gasp giving him time to put this tong in my mouth. After a bit I finely kissed back. He pulled away with me panting. He smiles. "Sorry. But i have to make you mine." When he says this he bits me. I whimper. "W-why?" "Because... I love you." I blush. "I love you too." I kiss him again. We stop and start our project.

I guess today wasn't that bad after all.

(Wow I'm done that took so long. Well give me suggest if you want. See ya.... 1419 Worlds.)  (Edited

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