~Chapter 2~

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I kneeled on the floor in front of my mother, my head bowed as I avoided her gaze. My sisters sat next to her, examining her nails as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"(Y/n), we will be having a ball tonight. I don't want you coming out of your room at all, understand?" My mother stared down at me, her cold ice blue eyes making me feel small. I bowed my head lower, placing a hand over my heart.

"As you wish, Mother"

She clicked her tongue in distaste, shooing me away. I stood up and hurried back to my room, closing the door and locking it with a soft 'click'. I slumped onto my soft (c) bed, the sudden weight bouncing snow and waking her up. She looked at me with her blue eyes, her white tail flicking behind her.

'You know, you shouldn't let your mother treat you like that..' Snow stood up and stretched. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I am in no place to talk back to her. Last time I did she didn't let me eat for a week."

'That's horrible...wait...you can understand me?' Snow's blue eyes widened. I finally looked at her, blinking.

"Oh. Yeah. I've always been able to understand animals since I was little. Makes sense though. I don't feel like a normal human. And I'm definitely not treated like one."

Snow nuzzled her cheek against mine, purring softly.

'You don't need to be. Humans are horrible creatures anyway.'


I sighed for the fifteenth time in the last ten minutes as loud muffled laughter echoed throughout the house.

'I need to go to the bathroom..' I thought it over for a minute but unfortunately the urge to go was much stronger than my mind. I stood up and walked over to the door, placing my hand on the doorknob. I looked back at snow, placing a finger to my lips before quietly sneaking out. I looked down both hallways before turning and heading to the right. As I turned the corner I spotted a group of people hanging around in the hallway. I peeked out from behind the wall, cursing as I noticed they were directly in front of the bathroom. As I was searching for solutions in my head (while also scolding myself for not going before the ball started) I failed to notice a male with unusual pink hair shift his sights in my direction and spot me. I froze as our gazes met before bolting back the way I came.

"Crap! What the hell was I thinking?!" I panicked, going around another corner before bumping into a wall. A warm wall? I looked up and locked eyes with dark black ones. My blood ran cold as he glared down at me.

"Watch where you're going you stupid brat!" He growled, his sharp teeth something that I took notice to.

"Gajeel! Nice, you found her!" A male voice cheered from behind. I quickly stood up, looking down and hiding my eyes behind my (h/c) hair.

"S-Sorry, I'll be going now!" I squeaked, moving to bolt passed them. Before I could take another step I was grabbed and thrown over the pink haired male's shoulder.

"Nope! You should be downstairs enjoying the party! There's so much delicious food!" I could hear the excitement in his voice. I furiously shook my head, pounding on his back.

"I-I can't! I have to go back to my room! Put me down!" But my pleas fell upon deaf ears as he walked in the direction of the ball room. Tears welled up in my eyes, my whole body shaking.

'I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Mother is going to punish me and throw me out onto the street..' I hung my head low as the doors to the ballroom were pushed open, the elegant music becoming clearer . I could already feel all eyes on us, a certain cold glare focusing on the back of my head. The music died out as my mother stood up, her heels clicking against the white marble floors. The male sensed the tense atmosphere and placed me back on the ground.

I sunk to my knees, my hands supporting me as I hung my head. I stared down at my mother's shiny black heels, fury practically coming off her in waves.

"M-Mother, I'm sorry. I was just going to the bathroom when-"

My words were cut off as a sudden painful stinging erupted on my cheek, a loud slap echoing across the room.

Oof. That's all for now. Terrible way to end a chapter I know.

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