~Chapter 6~

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(A/N) Wowee, here we go. The thing you've all been waiting for, Angst.


"Good, We're counting on you."


My blood ran cold at the news the man had delivered.

"The island..it's gone..."

I fell to the ground, my knees giving out. My whole body trembled, tears blurring my vision and threatening to spill down my cheeks.

'Gone? No..that's not possible. They said they were going to come back...'

I grit my teeth, forcing myself to stand and run at the man. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to my level.

"No! Y-You're lying! They can't be gone. THEY PROMISED!" My hands trembled, knuckles white from my rough grip on his shirt. Hands grabbed at my shoulders, wrenching me away from the male. The boy met my eyes, fear dancing in his glossy orbs. Pure rage pumped through my veins, my fangs growing sharp and poking into my lower lip.

"YOU'RE A LIAR! ILL KILL YOU!" The boy flinched under my cold blazing glare, tripping over his own two feet and crumpling to the ground.

"(Y/n)..." Macao spoke up, his grip on my shoulders slightly tightening. The anger washed away, replaced by anguish and disbelief. The tears came back, more powerful than before. They spilt down my cheeks in waves, my right hand coming up and covering my mouth. I fell to the ground once more, my left hand supporting my weight as I silently bawled.

"They can't be gone..."


I sighed, kicking a pebble across the concrete ground. I held a small bag of gold in my hands, making my way back to Magnolia. Just over a year had passed since the Tenrou group disappeared and everything has already fallen to pieces. Since our strongest wizards up and disappeared, job requests stopped flowing, leaving the guild with no money. We had to move to a small wooden tavern just outside of Magnolia. A guild named Twilight Ogre arrived not to long after, demanding pay from us every month.

That's brings us to now. I had just finished a job a few towns over. It wasn't a hard one. Just another runaway cat problem. Macao said I was too young to be going on jobs and that I should just let the adults handle it, but how could I? They've done so much for me already. Working is the only way I can repay them.

I was brought out of my slightly depressing thoughts as I bumped into something. I stumbled slightly from the impact, tripping over my feet and falling to the ground. I hissed quietly, clutching my bag of gold to my chest so it doesn't fall. A hand entered my vision, slightly bigger than mine with a few cuts and scratches littering the palm. I trailed my eyes up the arm to meet a pair of dark blue eyes.

"Sorry about that, need some help?" The boy asked, tilting his head slightly. A long scar ran along his right eyebrow and his blond hair stuck up in spikes. I hesitantly took his hand, gasping as he quickly pulled me up.

"Sting you idiot, this is why you shouldn't run around like a wild animal." Another boy walked up from behind the blond boy, his red eyes fixed into a glare. He was a couple inches shorter than sting but still considerably taller than me. They appeared to be a couple years older than myself. Sting rubbed the back of his neck, looking away with a pout.

"Yeah whatever Rogue, she's fine, see?" Sting gestured to me with his other hand.  The short black haired boy sighed, shaking his head.


Sting's eyes snapped to me, a look of realization bursting onto his face.

"Ah! We never introduced ourselves! I'm Sting Eucliffe and this is my best friend Rogue Cheney! What's a little girl like you doing out here alone? Where's your parents?" Sting's dark blueberry eyes stared into mine. He didn't seem at all fazed when he met my gaze, neither did his buddy.

"I'm not here with my parents. I'm on a job.." I mumbled, tightening my hold in the small bag of coins. Sting backed away in shock.

"EH?! A job?! Does that mean you're in a guild?! At your age?!" He shrieked, clinging to his friend who simply looked bored. I slowly nodded my head, twirling a strand of my (H/c) hair around my pointer finger.

"Yes, I'm in the Fairytail guild." I looked away, a small ache blossoming in my chest.

"Fairytail? Isn't that the guild that-" A hand slapped itself over Sting's mouth, the other boy finally speaking up.

"Sting, don't be disrespectful.." The red eyed boy scolded. Sting rolled his eyes, pushing his hand away.

"It was a year ago, I'm sure she's over it by now. But it's still surprising she's apart of that guild considering all the rumours going around about how much it's fallen,"  Sting smirked, "Sabertooth is the new number one guild now!"

I pushed passed the two, not wanting to listen to any of their words anymore. Every human is the same. Talking crap just for the sake of talking crap.

"H-Hey! Where ya goin?" Sting called out. I sighed, turning around and glaring at him sharply.

"What does it look like? I'm heading back to my guild. At least they aren't so indecent that they resort to bad mouthing to make themselves seem higher than others."

Feeling accomplished at their baffled expressions, I turned around and continued on my way, not bothering to spare them another glance as I turned the corner.

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