Bad Ending

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I walked out of the bathroom and began to make my way back to the party. As I turned a corner I bumped into a hard chest, my mask falling to the floor on impact. A pair of large hands found their way to my waist to keep me from falling.

"Whoa, sorry about that. Are you okay?"

I looked up to see...



Natsu let go of my waist, his eyes wide. Behind him stood the rest of the guild, all in the same state of shock as the hot-headed dragon slayer.

I blinked and reached out a hand, running my fingers down the side of Natsu's face, half-convinced I was merely hallucinating. His skin felt warm to the touch, almost burning. His hand came up and cupped my own, enveloping it in an intense heat. I gasped softly, the urge to cry blossoming in my chest. They were here. They were really standing in front of me.


And Harris was standing behind them.

I quickly pulled my hand back, lowering my head. Harris was behind me in seconds, his large hands roughly pulling me back by my waist. I crashed into his chest, his arms sliding around me in a possessive way. I could feel their stares. Their emotions. Anger. Relief. Sadness. It felt like I was drowning.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A group of fairyscum."

I stayed silent in his arms, a million thoughts running through my head a second. Why were they here? Did they know I was here? Why now? After 2 fucking years!

I raised my head, taking in their expressions.
They were too late.

I leaned further into Harris's chest, bringing my hands up to cup his. He rested his face against my shoulder, smirking.

"Were they bothering you, my sweet?~"

I leaned my head to the side, my bangs falling over my right eye.

Natsu stepped forward, rage written all over his face.

"Hey! Let go of (Y/n)!"

Harris merely chuckled but complied, unwrapping his arms from around my waist. I turned around and slid my hands around his chest, burying my head into his neck.

"Aw would you look at that, it seems she has found a new favourite~"

His hands landed on the small of my back, pulling me closer.

'Why?...why now? I just want this to end. I want everything to end...'

"(Y/n) what are you doing?! You belong with us! Your family!"


"You mean the family that abandoned her?"

'Shut up...'

"We didn't abandon her! We were looking for her for years!"


"Don't pretend like you were never afraid of her. Of her power"


"She would never hurt us!"


"She's a monster"


I pushed Harris away and ran to the window. I brought my hands in front of my head and launched myself through the glass, ignoring the shards that dug into my skin.


Wings sprouted from my back, carrying my body through the sky at fast speeds.

"Come to me"

My mind was in a haze as my body took me past the mountains and into a large forest.

"Serve your Master once again"

I landed in a clearing, falling to my knees. Tears were running down my cheeks, mixing with the blood running down the side of my face and staining the grass below. A man stepped out of the dark forest, his eyes a familiar glowing red. He stopped in front of me, a wide smirk on his face.

"Welcome back, daughter"

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"Welcome back, daughter"

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