Special: Secret Santa

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(MERRY CHRISTMAS MY CHILDREN! I LOVE ALL OF YOU WITH EVERY FIBRE IN MY BODY! I wouldn't be here today without your guy's support and positive comments. You guys make me so so happy and I'm glad to have shared another year with you beautiful people! I hope we can continue to grow together for years and years to come! I love you all, and Merry Christmas!)

I trudged through the ankle deep snow on the ground, trying my hardest to melt it with my glare. Winter is the worst season. Because when there's Winter, there's the Flu, ice, loud ass fireworks, crowded sidewalks, whining kids, and worst of all...Christmas. Now, before you get your panties in a twist, there's only one reason I hate Christmas. The gifts. The damn presents are always the main stress inducers! Will they like this? Will they like that? How much money is this? Ugh. Almost everybody spends hours on end brainstorming millions of gift ideas for a single person. And after all that stress. All the procrastination. Every single second you wasted mulling over what to get them. You can tell they don't like it by the way their smiles don't reach their eyes and the awkward quiet and drawn out 'thanks' they give you just to be polite. And the kids. The ungrateful ass kids. We all know when the presents run out, the only question going through their head is "that's it?" It pisses me off just thinking about it.

I pushed open the large doors to the guild and stepped inside, the warmth of the heater feeling like I just walked into paradise. I stomped the snow off my boots and went to sit in an empty booth.

"Hey (Y/n)! Come over here a sec!" Lucy called from three booths over. I inwardly groaned and walked over to join them. In the group there was Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Mira, Lucy, Gray, and Erza. I stopped beside Mira and waved at them, a lazy smile on my face.

"Hey guys, whats up?"

Mira smiled at me and pushed an upside down hat towards me. I looked down at it to see a bunch of folded slips of paper piled inside.

'Oh no, please no..'

"(Y/n), you get to pick who you're going to give a present to first! Isn't that exciting?" Mira squealed, a twinkle in her eyes. I stared down at the hat for what felt like ages, my stomach sinking.

'There's no way I'm going to get out of this so might as well..'

I begrudgingly pulled out a piece of paper and pushed it into my pocket before turning away back to where I originally was going to go.

"Sorry guys, I'm still tired from not getting any sleep last night. I'll be sure to get my gift ready though"

I sighed and sat down, resting my head in my arms. I took the paper out of my pocket and read it over, a small smile finding its way into my face.

'Natsu. Should be easy enough. He'll probably want food or something'


'This is fucking terrible!' I huffed, dodging yet another shoulder in this god forsaken mall. I pulled my scarf further up my face and made my way to the jewelry store. Why the jewelry store you ask? Well...


I puffed out a breath of smoke, the cold air already starting to nip at my skin. I watched Natsu run around the mall like an over-excited child, literally anything and everything catching his attention. It wasn't hard to figure out who he got when he started to look for Elsa costumes. I kind of feel bad for Gray. I watched intently as Natsu stopped beside a jewelry store window, his dark eyes gazing longingly at an object inside before he turned away and kept walking.

As soon as he was out of sight, I jogged up to the store window and peered inside. I gasped lightly, completely understanding why Natsu stared at the object for so long.

 I gasped lightly, completely understanding why Natsu stared at the object for so long

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(A/N) I'm too lazy to explain it. Sorry non-internet users. But it's just a dragon necklace to put it simply.


-Flashback end-

I finally stepped inside the familiar store, pulling down my scarf to uncover my face. I walked up to the counter, a lady greeting me with a smile.

"Welcome to Mystic Jewellers, how may I be of assistance today?"


I raised my hand and pointed to the window where the dragon necklace was.

"I was hoping to purchase that beautiful dragon necklace in the display!"

The lady nodded and retrieved said item before punching in the code into her computer.

(I'm using dollars cuz daaaamn)

"That'll be $573.40!"

I held back a growl as I swiped my card and took the small box from her. I placed the jewellery and the receipt in my bag before bowing to her and walking out. The crown seemed to have died down as it was getting late, making my journey back to my house much easier. I quickly wrapped the present in cute fire themed wrapping paper and placed it on my nightstand before heading to bed. As soon as the light was off, exhaustion swept over me, weighing down my eyelids.

'Socializing is hard...'


I woke up the next morning in a much better state than yesterday. Today was Christmas which means I needed to get to the guild to participate in the exchange. I grabbed my present, slipped some warm clothes on along with my shoes before dashing out the door, making sure to lock it behind me before I left. I burst into the guild hall and exhaled a sigh of relief, shaking the cold snow off my boots and joining the circle that has already formed. I plucked the small present out of my hand and, once it was my turn, handed it over to Natsu.

The presents given were as followed:

Gajeel -> Lucy - A pair of black bunny slippers

Mira -> Erza - A book full of different cake recipes

Laxus -> Mira - a new dress

Natsu -> Gray - An Elsa costume (ended in fighting)

Gray -> (Y/n) - New throwing knives

Lucy -> Laxus - New Earphones

Erza -> Gajeel - New Guitar (ended in ear bleeds)

(Y/n) -> Natsu - Dragon Necklace


Natsu held the necklace in his hand, a soft smile on his face. He lifted his head to look up at me, smiling widely.

"Thank you (Y/n), it's exactly what I wanted!" He got up and wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me into a tight hug. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm glad you like it Natsu. Merry Christmas..."

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