~Chapter 7~

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I flinched as another loud sound of skin connecting with skin echoed throughout the tavern. I stood behind Bisca, my fists clenched tightly. I stood frozen as Macao was knocked to the ground, crashing into a stool and knocking it over with him. I held back another gasp as a foot connected hard with the blue haired man's stomach.

I felt a burst a fury erupt in my chest, spreading quickly throughout my body like a wildfire. I ran out from my hiding place, stepping in front of Macao and holding my arms out to shield him from the Twilight Ogre group. My (H/c) bangs fell over my (Left/Right) eye, my glare filled with all the anger I could muster. The group stared down at me for a second before bursting out laughing.

"(Y/n)..." Macao weakly called out, "please, get back.."

I turned my head towards him, letting a gentle smile replace my angry frown.

"I'll protect you..all of you.."

A large hand roughly grasped my (H/c) locks and brought my head down, a knee smashing into my face. The black haired man lifted me off the ground by my hair, a mocking grin on his ugly face.

"What the hell did you expect to accomplish runt? Did you really think you could swoop in like a damn hero?" The tall man stopped, his grin suddenly turning darker, "I know, we'll let this month's payment slide. How about we just take this kid instead? I'm sure Master would appreciate a plaything.."

What was once anger turned into pure fear, my breathing coming to a halt. Macao tried to get up and reach for me only to have a foot push him back to the ground.

"Pleasure doing business with ya, Fairy scum!" The man holding me snickered, throwing my small body over his shoulder and walking out, his group following closely behind. I stared in horror as the door slowly creaked closed, the last thing I saw was the tear filled eyes of my guild.


"PET, COME HERE" A loud voice hissed, the words clear as day despite it being in another room completely. I sighed, running a hand through my (H/c) hair and placing down my book. I stood up from the creaky and small bed that was provided for me. I dusted off my white dress and adjusted the almost too tight black collar around my neck before exiting the small room. I made my way to the main hall, my bare feet slapping against the polished hard wood floors. It has been 7 years since the Tenrou group vanished, the search for the island having ended long ago. I've aged considerably since then, 17 to be exact. Ever since I was taken from my guild and forced to serve the Twilight Ogre guildmaster as if he were a damn king, I haven't seen fairytail since.

'I wonder if they have forgotten about me already...'

I shook my head and pushed open the doors to the main hall. I walked over to the Master, my head bowed.

"Yes, what is it..Master" I held back a hiss in distaste, clenching my fists tightly behind my back. Calling this goblin Master left a sour taste on my tongue.

"I need you to go with Thibault and his group to visit the Fairytail guild. If you behave then maybe I'll consider giving you more freedom." His mouth stretched into a sick smirk. I bowed slightly, the small 'T' hanging on my collar jingling.

"Of course, thank you.."

He waved me away, Thibault appearing behind me and grabbing my arm, leading me out the door.

(This is Thibault btw)

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(This is Thibault btw)


I stayed silent as we made our way to the Fairytail guildhall. Thibault sent a warning glare my way before kicking the door open.

"We're here for our pay Fairy scum! Hand it over and nobody gets hurt~" Thibault smirked. I scoffed lightly at his attempt at sounding scary.

"You sound like a 5 year old threatening a toddler to hand over their candy..." Thibault turned to me, glaring harshly.

"(Y-Y/n)?..is that you?" A familiar voice called out. I lifted my head, meeting the familiar black eyes of Macao. I opened my mouth to speak but decided against it, simply lowering my head, resulting in Thibault to smirk wider.

"Your little runt makes a fine pet~ Master is greatly pleased."

"What did you do to her?..." I could feel everybody's piercing gaze on me. I grit my teeth, clenching my fists.

'If they wanted me back they had all those years to do so..'

I relaxed considerably, lifting my head to glance at Thibault. The tall man turned back to the Fairytail guild once more.

"Less chatting, more paying. You better hurry it up, Master is not a Patient person~"

"What? The pay isn't due till next week! Just give us a little more time!" Macao pleaded. I clicked my tongue quietly in annoyance.

'Begging? Did they really fall that low?'

"Master wants it now, so give it."

"But we don't-"

Thibault 'tsk'ed, glancing at his group. They all nodded, spreading around the room and trashing the place. I watched silently, standing beside Thibault.

"Aren't you going to go have some fun (Y/n)?"

I glanced up at the man before sighing.

"I'd rather not participate in such childish acts.."

"What do you-"

Thibault was interrupted as a loud 'bang' came from behind us. I moved to the side as Thibault and his group were trampled over.

'What a bunch of idio-'

My focus landed on a male with pink hair walking into the guildhall, his hand up in a wave as he wore a bright smile.

"Hey guys, we're back!"

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