~Chapter 16~

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"Your time is approaching..."



I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head and turning onto my side.

"(Y/n), you need to wake up.."

"Five more minutes!" I groaned, swatting blindly at the figure behind me. Suddenly my wrist was grabbed and yanked, forcing me to tumble to the ground in a heap. I turned over onto my back, blowing a strand of (H/c) out of my face and glaring into the dark eyes of Jellal.

"That was completely unnecessary..."

"You wouldn't have gotten up any other way..."


I untangled myself from the blankets and stood up, stretching until I heard the familiar pops in my joints. I let out a sigh, grabbing my brush off the nightstand and beginning to tame my nest of hair. Once I deemed it presentable I grabbed my recently washed clothes from my bag and walked into the bathroom, taking note of how everybody was seemingly waiting for me in the living room. I quickly threw on my clothes and rushed out, meeting up with my team and heading out.

Once we made it to the familiar round arena I rushed ahead and up to team A's balcony. I stopped beside Natsu, playfully elbowing his side.

"Ready to show them what Fairytail is made of?"

"Hell yeah! I'm fired up now!" He grinned, showing off his sharp fangs. I giggled, nodding my head before turning around and quickly meeting back up with my team to go to our own spot. I crossed my arms and looked up, focusing on the projection above us.

"Welcome back to the second day of the Grand Magic Games! The first event of the day is called Chariot!" I watched as the projection showed a long line of moving wooden platforms.

"In this event, magic can be used to help you reach the end as well as throw others off course! Remember, if you fall off the Chariot you will be disqualified! To win you must be the first to make it back to the arena! Now, please send out your chosen participants!"

"I'll go" I looked back at Gajeel, tilting my head.

"What about your-.."

"I'll be fine. If that salamander is going then I'm going too"

I hummed, looking over to see that Natsu had indeed disappeared.

"Alright. Good luck Gajeel!" I smiled, giving him a thumbs up. He nodded once before turning and making his way down. I rested my elbows on the railing and entangled my fingers together, hiding my lower face behind my hands. I watched all the participants through the floating projections with calculating eyes. I unconsciously noted down each of their magic in the back of my head before turning my focus to the three at the very back. I held in a giggle at Natsu, Gajeel, and Sting's pale, scrunched up faces. I lightly shook my head with a sigh.

'If they knew they had motion sickness, they should have let somebody else participate...such big egos...'

I watched the scene unfold before me with little interest before Sting started to speak.

"Talk about uncool, anyone can see you got no strength left. You're just making fools of yourselves."


I watched as Natsu and Gajeel pulled themselves along, both groaning in pain.

"Fine, whatever. I didn't need this win so I'll just let you guys have it. Sabertooth's just gonna keep racking up the points after this, one point isn't going to change the outcome."


Gajeel turned around and grinned at the blond haired dragon slayer.

"One point is nothing to scoff at kid, don't you forget that!"

It was silent for a moment as the two males kept struggling.

"I don't get it, can you explain something to me?"

Gajeel and Natsu both turned to look at him, sweat pouring down their faces.

"Why'd you even bother entering the tournament? Seriously. I mean, you're nothing like the Fairytail I knew growing up."


"You're obsessed with how tough you are and how the rest of the world thinks of you. What happened to the Fairytail of my childhood? The guild that did whatever the hell it wanted, whenever it wanted. They never cared about what anyone else said or thought of them."

My arms fell limply to my sides, a small ache surfacing in my chest.

"The reason we're here...is for our friends!"


Sting's eyes widened, his mouth parting in shock.

"The ones who waited for us..for all the years we were gone! Who fought through the pain! And the heartache! They were humiliated...but even so..they stayed strong!"

I felt something wet drip down my cheeks. One after another. My whole body was trembling as I shook, my eyes wide and trained on the screen.

"And they kept our guild together! We're doing this for all of them! We're gonna make sure everyone knows..."

Natsu threw his head up, his eyes filled with determination.

"The Fairytail guild never gave up! Not for an instant! So there's no way I'm gonna give up now!"

I covered my mouth with my hands, endless tears spilling down my cheeks and onto the concrete. I fell to my knees, my shaking legs unable to hold my body up for any longer. The memories of the abuse and pain from being forced to be a pet of the Twilight Ogre guild resurfacing ten fold and leaving a strong ache in my chest. I felt a hand pressed gently on my back, slowly turning around to be met with the rest of my team's smiling faces. I bit my lip and moved to wrap my arms around Laxus, his strong ones pressing me into his chest.


I turned to see Natsu crossing the finishing line, earning 6th and Gajeel earning 7th.

And then I heard it. The long awaited cheers for our guild. Various praises came from around the stadium, bringing a smile onto my face. I pulled away from Laxus and made my way to the two Dragonslayers. I sat down on my knees and gave them each a rub on the head, earning a small groan from each of them.

"You did good...Natsu...Gajeel...I'm proud of you both"

I spent like half an hour copying the dialogue from out of a video. You're welcome. Sorry that I suck at writing angst. Whoops.

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