~Chapter 10~

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I blinked slowly, staring up at gramps who was standing on the bar counter. I licked my lips nervously, twirling a strand of my (H/L) (H/C) hair around my pointer finger.

"Today I shall be choosing who will partake in this year's Grand Magic Games and form the group who will win the games and take back our title as rightful number 1 guild!" Gramps held his pointer and thump in the air, a determined smile on his face. The Fairytail wizards all cheered, holding up the same symbol. I took another sip of my drink, not bothering to feel any hope in being part of the team. To the Tenrou group, I was only there for less then a month. I'm not trusted nor have I earned my power ranking.

I growled lowly in annoyance, their loud voices already giving me a headache.

"Alright! Settle down brats, it's time to choose!" Gramps cleared his throat before bringing both his hands to fold behind his back.

"The team participating is..." Gramps stared down at the group, only adding to the rapidly building tension.


"I'm fired up now!"




"I will do my best"



"And finally...Wendy!"

"W-Wait what?! M-M-Me?!"

"Elfman, you shall be a reserve member. Those of you who weren't picked, don't be discouraged. We are all going to cheer the team on."

I took another sip of my drink before standing up. I ran up to team Natsu and threw my arm around Lucy's shoulder.

"Wow! Congratulations you guys! Make sure to win it for us ya? I don't think I can stand this cramped tavern anymore.." I laughed, scratching my cheek nervously. Natsu placed a hand on my head, a wide smile on his face.

"We are gonna win this thing and become the number one guild again! Fiore won't know what hit em!" Natsu cheered. I smiled widely, giving him a thumbs up.

"Good luck, Natsu, you guys!" I winked at the others before walking away to the bar. Mira spotted me and smiled.

"(Y/n) good timing! Master wishes to see you in his office!"

I blinked, pointing a finger at myself.

"Master wishes to see...me?"

Mira giggled, nodding her head. "Better go quickly now. Don't want to keep him waiting~"

I nodded quickly, rushing over to his office and knocking before stepping inside at the small "come in". I walked further inside only to turn around to see Mira stepping inside as well and closing the door behind her.

"(Y/n), Mira, good to see you. Please, have a seat." Gramps smiled, gesturing to the two empty seats in front of him. I noticed Gajeel, Laxus, and a mysterious hooded man in the room as well. I sat in the seat beside Laxus, my stare lingering on the hooded man before shifting to look at Gramps.

"Now that we are all here...I have decided that you 5 will be Fairytail group B."

Gajeel leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees.

"Oh yeah? What's in it for us?"

Gramp's smile suddenly turned darker.

"Whichever team wins gets to command the losing team for a whole day."

That certainly made us perk up. We all gave each other sadistic grins before looking forward again.

"We're in"


I sat on the train with Gajeel, Mira, and Laxus, the guy I was told was named Jellal who was pretending to be Mystogan was off somewhere else. I yawned, small tears pricking the corners of my eyes. We have been on the train for at least 2 hours now. It was already beginning to get dark and a chill has settled in the air. I leaned on Laxus's shoulder who happened to be sitting beside me. My eye lids drooped, a heavy feeling overcoming them. I was too exhausted to even notice the large hand wrapping around me to keep me warm...or the silent glare given by a certain iron dragonslayer .

Okay. That's all. bye bye. Enjoy this weird emoji < 🥴 >

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