~Chapter 23~

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I sat in the corner of the room, staring blankly at the ground. The lights were off, leaving the small space shrouded in darkness. I've been stuck in this room for what felt like years. I lost my perception of time who knows how long ago. I can't tell if it's been days, weeks, maybe even months. The same smiling blurry faces kept flashing through my mind, over and over like it was taunting me.

'What's happening?...'

I clutched my head tightly, an intense pain bursting in my skull. I leaned my head back and gripped the top of the nightgown, beads of sweat rolling down my body. My blood felt as though it was on fire, rushing through my veins like lava.

'Help me...'

I breathed through my mouth in small pants, clenching my eyes shut. I barely felt the tears that streamed down my face, too immersed in the pain to acknowledge it.

'Kill me'

I rose to my feet, leaning on the wall for support as I stumbled my way to the mirror. I sank to my knees, staring at my reflection in shock.


I shakily looked down at my hands, my heart stopping in my chest. My once (S/c) skin was now stained red, the crimson substance running down my fingers and dripping onto the carpet.

As soon as the door creaked open, it all stopped. I was left shivering on the ground, my head in my hands and tears streaming down my face. I didn't bother to look up as soft footsteps reached my ears. A pair of cold hands pressed over my eyes, pulling me back against a hard chest. I felt a weight on my head, and a gust of warm breath against my hair.

"Don't cry, you're more beautiful when you smile..."

I trembled lightly in this unknown man's embrace, my mind telling me to pull away and my heart telling me to stay here forever. Eventually I stopped shaking and he pulled away, shuffling himself so he sat in front of me. I felt him gently wipe away a stray tear...and I didn't stop him. It was like...

Every cell in my body was crying out for him

"Are you alright now?" His voice was soft and silky smooth, putting my entire body at ease with a single phrase. I exhaled softly, nodding my head and looking up at him. His golden eyes were like a light in the dark, pulling me in like a fish on a line. His black hair was pulled into a ponytail, his bangs falling over his eyes in small curls.

He was beautiful.

"That's good. It was quite a surprise when I walked in to see you bawling on the ground. Is there something you want to talk about?"

My words got stuck in my throat, a million questions zooming through my mind at once.

'Where am I?'

'What happened to me?'

'Why don't I remember anything?'

'How long have I been here?'

I opened my mouth, a single question was all I could force past my lips.

"Who..are you?"

The man looked genuinely surprised before a handsome smile fell onto his features.

"Right, I guess I never introduced myself. My name is Harris. I found you wandering outside my house yesterday with a knife through your stomach. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving you to die so I brought you here."

'Yesterday? I've only been here since yesterday?...I guess being alone in a dark, windowless room makes you go a little stir crazy..'

I placed a hand over my stomach, swallowing thickly.

"Thank you..for your hospitality. I'm..(Y/n)."

The man got up off the floor and offered me his hand.

"Come on. I'm sure you're rather hungry. I already have dinner prepared downstairs."

I hesitated before slipping my hand into his and letting him pull me off the floor. He led me out of the room and after a few minutes of walking through long hallways and passing dozens of doors, we arrived at what I assumed was the dining room.

He pulled out a chair and sat me down before pushing it back into place and taking his own seat across from me.

His golden eyes stayed trained on me as I ate the bowl of soup laid before me. After awhile of enduring his stare I placed my spoon down and met his gaze.

"You have been very generous in letting me stay here but I'm afraid I must leave."

Harris stared for a few more seconds in silence before a dangerous smirk fell onto his face.

(Fuck that's hot)

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(Fuck that's hot)

"Unfortunately I cant allow that. I was hoping for more time but I guess it can't be helped."

I stood up with a glare, my chair falling backwards from the force.

"What the hell do you mean you can't-.."

I'm seconds he was in front of me, holding my chin with a crazed look in his eyes.

"You're mine (Y/n). My poison runs through your veins, linking you to me. Your very being calls out to me. Calls out for my fangs to pierce your skin and suck you dry. In this world, we're both monsters. Cast out from society because of their fear. You and I both know what it feels like. Only I can understand you, my dear (Y/n)"


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