Good Ending

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(Okay so I decided to only do two endings, because if I did separate endings for each they would all suck. I know because I've tried and I ran out of separate scenarios. So here you go. I hope you guys aren't too mad with me.)

I walked out of the bathroom and began to make my way back to the party. As I turned a corner I bumped into a hard chest, my mask falling to the floor on impact. A pair of large hands found their way to my waist to keep me from falling.

"Whoa, sorry about that. Are you okay?"

I looked up to see...



Natsu let go of my waist, his eyes wide. Behind him stood the rest of the guild, all in the same state of shock as the hot-headed dragon slayer.

I blinked and reached out a hand, running my fingers down the side of Natsu's face, half-convinced I was merely hallucinating. His skin felt warm to the touch, almost burning. His hand came up and cupped my own, enveloping it in an intense heat. I gasped softly, the urge to cry blossoming in my chest. They were here. They were really standing in front of me.


And Harris was standing behind them.

I quickly pulled my hand back, lowering my head. Harris was behind me in seconds, his large hands roughly pulling me back by my waist. I crashed into his chest, his arms sliding around me in a possessive way. I could feel their stares. Their emotions. Anger. Relief. Sadness. It felt like I was drowning.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A group of fairyscum."

I stayed silent in his arms, a million thoughts running through my head a second. Why were they here? Did they know I was here? Why now? After 2 fucking years!

I raised my head, taking in their expressions.
It doesn't matter, they're here now. I can finally escape.

I raised a hand, scales enveloping my arm and my fingers growing to sharp points. I whipped around and slashed at the man, blood spraying through the air and splattering my face. Harris held his now injured chest, his black tux torn to shreds and caked in freshly spilt blood.

I grinned, a feeling of pure satisfaction fogging my mind. I raised my blood covered claw to my mouth and ran my tongue along my wrist, licking up the dripping blood.

(3rd POV)

The (H/c) haired girl swallowed the red substance, her eyes glowing an intense crimson. A dark aura surrounded her form, an unseen wind force pushing the surrounding people back a few feet.

(Like this but with the scaled claws)

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(Like this but with the scaled claws)

Large horns protruded from her head, her other hand now matching her other clawed limb. The lights flickered, a wide smirk finding its way onto her face.

"You won't control me. You can't control me. And it's time you learned that"

Harris looked absolutely terrified, his vampire instincts screaming for him to get out of there. The girl raised one of her hands, her palm facing the bleeding man. The lights went out and the last thing he saw was the intense red glare boring into him before he was swallowed by a dark mass.

The lights came back on, the hallway back to normal as if nothing happened. (Y/n) lowered her hand, her body now back to its normal state. She staggered before falling back, Gray coming forward and wrapping his arms around her. He looked back to the spot the Vampire once was, only a small pile of ash left. He gathered the girl into his arms, ignoring the other hovering males as he walked past them.

You sure were powerful. More powerful then anything any of the wizards had seen. Just what were you?


(1st POV)

I blinked. Once. Twice. Three times.

This isn't my room.

I sat up quickly, looking around. The room felt familiar, scarily so. I slid out of the bed, the floor feeling like ice against my bare feet. I walked over to a mirror in the corner of the room, taking in my appearance. My body was free of the dirt and cut marks from before, my dress from the party swapped with a plain white nightgown. I ran my fingers across my bare neck, the black ring nowhere to be found. I turned to the right as the door to the room was open. In walked a small blue haired girl, a white cat following behind.

"Wait, where did she go?!" The blue haired girl exclaimed, the white humanoid cat bending down to look under the bed. I moved over to the door and shut it, making sure to lock it before moving towards them. The duo whipped around at the sound, startled. That's when I matched a name to each face.

"Wendy...and Carla"

Wendy nodded and walked forward, reaching out and taking my hand in hers.

"(Y/n)..." She whispered, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her, holding back my own tears. We were interrupted by knocks on the door, a familiar voice calling out from behind it.

"Oi! Wendy! Are you okay in there? The door is locked!"

I quickly stood up and moved to unlock the door. It swung open with a bang, revealing the well known lightning dragon slayer. I launched myself at him, crashing into his chest.


"(Y-Y/n)?!" I pulled away from him and nodded, smiling widely.

"It's me Laxus. I'm back"

The others ran into the room as well, drawn in from the commotion.

I stepped away from Laxus, smiling at the others as well. Before I knew it, tears were spilling down my cheeks from pure happiness. I fell to my knees, attempting to wipe the tears from my eyes with my arm.

"G-Guys. You're all here. I've missed you so much.."

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up into Lucy's brown eyes.

"We've been searching for so long (Y/n). We caught wind of a ball being thrown in a heavily secluded estate and we took a chance by going. And look, we found you."

I wiped away more of my tears, warmth swarming inside my chest.

"Thank you. So much..."

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