Caroline was the girl who never escaped, no matter how hard she tried. Even when the dead started walking. But meeting him made her want to try even harder.
"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone, Daryl Dixon. I've already made my mark on you."
"My ears were ringing after everyone was done shooting. I couldn't hear anything, not even Beth's sobs. I think my senses were in overload because the only thing I could do was sit there as Beth was attacked by her reanimated mother."
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CAROL PUSHED DARYL AWAY and ran back towards the house. Caroline watched as Beth ran towards the pile of walkers and over to her mother.
But that walker apparently wasn't shot in the head and reached for Beth's arms. She screamed and everyone ran towards her, trying to pull her from the walker.
Andrea came in with a scythe and pierced it through the walker's head. It dropped dead and all the group could hear were Beth's sobs.
Caroline turned to see her father by the enterance to the field, drinking his beer. He tossed the bottle to the side before going back up to the house.
"My father didn't seem to care. I think he accepted a long time ago that my mother was gone. Or that Rick's group was going to kill all those roamers. But all I know is that my father didn't have a reaction, which is bad."
Everyone left with Shane and Rick following Hershel. Caroline sat down in the dirt, wrapping her arms around her knees. Tears ran down her face and she buried her face in her jeans. She heard footsteps walking towards her and looked up to see Daryl.
"I was finally able to compose myself, and I could hear again. Daryl helped me out of the dirt. I felt sparks, at least, I think I did. But I ignored it. All I could focus on was the renewaled feeling of wanting to help. No matter what my father thought."
He grabbed her hands and helped her to her feet. Caroline looked around at some of the others that were covering some of the bodies with blankets. "How can I help?" She asked, looking back up at Daryl,
"I want to help." Caroline stated, crossing her arms, "I knew these people, Daryl. They were like family."
"Which is why we're doin' all the work. Go get cleaned up, there's gonna be a service soon." Daryl ordered and Caroline sighed and nodded before heading towards the house.
"I was rejected, but I wasn't surprised. I did just lose some family. This group isn't as bad as my father or Hershel thought. They're only doing what's best for the survival of others."
By the time Caroline showered and got dressed in the floral dress that her mother loved on her, it was time for the service. "Are you comin', dad?" Caroline asked, standing in her father's doorway,
"Where?" He asked, drinking another beer,
"Rick and his group prepared a funeral for momma and Hershel's family." She answered
"I'm not gonna stand with the people who murdered my wife." Her father stated,
"Dad, they didn't kill her. She's been dead for a while now. That disease killed her soul, but her body refused to die. Momma's gone." Caroline said and he threw the beer bottle at her. The bottle broke and shards of glass cut her skin.
She hissed in pain and looked over at her father, who was still staring at the wall, "Get, girl!"
Caroline rushed out of the room and went into her room. Taking off her blood stained dress, she looked down at the deep cut in her side. She grabbed her sewing needle and slipped on a long button up plaid shirt and rushed into the bathroom.
"I shouldn't have bothered him, I knew that. But... it was a service for my mom. Should her husband be there? I thought so, anyway. But now, I never got to go. My dress is ruined." Caroline laughed, "I'm worried about a dress. It was my mom's favorite one on me. I wanted her to see me in it one last time."
She bit her lip as she grabbed the dental floss and her hands shook as she put the string through the hole and tied it into a knot.
Caroline winced as she slipped the shirt off to reveal her bra and panties and her cut. She let out a little cry as the needle pierced her skin.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Caroline froze, "Shoot." Caroline hissed, "Oh! Daryl, hi." She smiled nervously when she peeked her head out the door,
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously down at her before opening the door wider, revealing the injury on her torso.
Caroline let out a small squeal and covered her bra covered breasts as Daryl walked in. He looked down at her wound before grabbing her hips and lifting her on top of the counter.
"Did I miss the service?" She asked quietly and Daryl nodded, "Where did you bury them?"
"Under the tree by the barn." He answered and Caroline sighed,
"I tried to get my dad to go. He thinks your group killed them." The blonde shook her head, "He doesn't get that they're already dead."
Daryl pierced her skin with the needle and Caroline winced, "You didn't agree with puttin' 'em in the barn."
"Not like my opinion mattered." Caroline looked at her self in the mirror, staring at her bruised face and scabbed lip as Daryl kept stitching her up, "My dad wasn't always like this. Before the world ended, he was the best dad anyone could ask for. But I guess my mom turning into one of those.... things changed everything."
Caroline felt the needle again and grabbed Daryl's shirt. She whimpered as he leaned forward and used his teeth to cut the floss and tied the end. He slipped her flannel around her shoulders and helped Caroline off the counter.
"Don't do any heavy liftin' for a while. When Hershel comes back he'll take a look at it." Daryl stated and Caroline furrowed her eyebrows,
"Where's Hershel?"
"Drinkin' away the pain. Rick and Glenn went to go get him." He answered,
Caroline looked up at Daryl and noticed how close they were. She tried to take a step back but was stopped by the counter. "Keep out of trouble, girl." Daryl stated before leaving the bathroom.
"No promises." She sighed after he left.
"He's so... intense. I think that's the word to describe him. Whenever Daryl's near, my senses go on high alert. And I don't know if that scares or excites me."
Once Caroline changed into a pair of jeans, white tank top, and flannel before going down the steps. She spotted Lori walking towards Maggie's car and stopped her, "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to go bring Rick and Hershel back." She answered, "You can't stop me."
"I wasn't going to." Caroline walked over, "I want to help. I know where Hatlin's Bar is. But we have to make a stop first."