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"We woke up ready for another day. Another day wondering if it was going to be our last. Another day trying to prepare ourselves despite our lack of resources. We were running out of ammo and baby formula. But we couldn't risk going outside the walls."


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The curtain was moved aside and Daryl stepped in, "I can take over." He told the brunette.

Maggie raised her eyebrows, silently asking Caroline if it was ok. Caroline sighed, wincing at the pain in her ribs and nodding.

Maggie left and Daryl walked over to secure the bandages, "Can you breathe?"

Caroline sucked in a breath and nodded. As she grabbed a shirt to slip on, Daryl sat down on her bed,

"'M sorry." She paused and turned to look at him, "For yellin' at you earlier."

Caroline crossed her arms under her chest and stared at him for a moment, "If... If I wasn't here... would you have come back?"

Daryl thought about it for a moment before nodding, "Yeah." He stood and walked over to her, "This is where my family is." Daryl hesitated but reached for her hands, "It's where you are."

"I didn't know if I could trust him again. Every time I look at him, I want to see the man that used to help me after my father took his anger out on me. And I used to see that. But now I see a man who could potentially not be next to me at any moment. And it scares me."

Caroline pulled her hands away, "How do I know you're not gonna leave again?" She stepped back, "Daryl, despite what you think, we need you. Not because you're a great hunter or you help us survive, but because you're our family, too. There were times where I'd look over to find you but you weren't there and then I'd remember that you left. When someone dies, it's not their choice to leave the rest of us behind. But you chose to do that. And it didn't just upset me, it upset all of us. You're our rock and when you're not around..." Tears filled her eyes and Daryl wrapped his arms around her.

"M' sorry." He mumbled into her hair, "Never again."

"You could've died, Daryl. And what then? We would've never known." Caroline pulled away and wiped her tears.

"I know." He cupped her jaw, "I'm here now. Not going anywhere."

She nodded and he leaned down to kiss her. It got heated quickly as Caroline ran her tongue across his lower lip.

Daryl reaches down, his hands gripping her thighs. He lifted her off the ground and as Caroline wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned down to kiss him again, she cried out in pain.

"Shit." He nearly dropped her completely and he pulled back, "Sorry."

Daryl set her down gently and she smiled up at him, "It's fine."

"I've had boyfriends before. But what I've had in the past, it's different than when I've been with Daryl. He isn't my boyfriend... he's my partner. I don't know what we are, but I always feel better with him around. And I think that's why I forgive him. I don't think I want either of us to die with regrets. I would regret not letting him back in."

Later in the evening, Carol and Beth sat by the stairs, lighting candles. Daryl stood between Caroline and Hershel by her cell, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and she reached up to grip his hand.

"Some reunion, huh?" Daryl asked as Rick walked over with the baby.

"She's in a jam." Rick stated,

"We all are." Hershel replied, staring down at Judith, "Andrea's persuasive. This fella's armed to the teeth. Bent on destruction."

"So what do you want to do?" Daryl asked,

"We match it." Rick answered, "I'm going on a run."

"I'll head out tomorrow." Daryl stated,

"No, you stay here. Keep an eye on your brother." The four of them glanced over by the door where the older Dixon was standing, "I'm glad you're back, really, but if he causes a problem, it's on you."

"I got him."

"I'll take Michonne." Rick stated,

"You sure that's a good idea?" Daryl questioned,

"I'll find out. And Carl. He's ready." Rick looked down at Judith before glancing back up, "You hold it down here. Both of you." His eye flickered to Caroline,

Daryl nodded, "You got it."

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