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"It's been a while since I've used this thing. Don't know why I still do. No one's gonna listen. I guess this is just a healthy way for me to deal with everything." Caroline sighed, "Lori's almost due. And we need a safe place. We haven't had a safe place since the far last fall. And I'm trying my best to find something... anything. I just want to prove my worth. I want to be more than my father was."

CAROLINE STOOD ON TOP OF THE HILL and took a deep breath

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CAROLINE STOOD ON TOP OF THE HILL and took a deep breath. The sun warmed her skin, for the first time in a long time. Spring was here, and soon it will be summer.

But at night it was still cold. And they needed a place to live.

That's why she was alone. Rick gave her a specific job. She was to go ahead of them to scout a place for them to rest. Usually, she leaves a trail of dead walkers in her path so they knew where to go. At night, she retraces and goes back to rest with them for a few hours before jumping ahead again. 

It was a gruelling cycle. But it was something she needed.

Right now, the group should already be at a house that she found a few miles back. She left a bunch of dead walkers outside and spraypainted the door with a large red 'X' to let them know they found the spot.

In the distance, Caroline spotted something. It looked like a prison, with a tower in each corner to form a large square. With a grin, she hopped onto her dirtbike and drove down the hill to the front fence.

"It was the first time I was truly hopeful since the farm. With the fences, we could keep any walker threats out. However, we had to deal with the threat on the inside."

She put her hands on her hips and looked around. It would take a lot to deal with the prisoners already inside the prison, but the fences could protect them. This place could be safe.

Caroline wanted to get into the tower, but she couldn't get there alone. She needed to tell Rick and get the rest of them together.

The sound of the dirtbike alerted them of her presence before they could see her. That's why she usually parked a half-mile away before treking, but she didn't have the time.

She found them parked in the middle of the road, only a mile away from her last safehouse.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked as she parked and ran up to him and Daryl who were about to go on a hunt,

"Nothing." She smiled, "Quite the opposite. I found a place."

"Is it safe?" Rick asked,

"It will be." Caroline answered, "We just need to clear the pests first."

Caroline brought the group to the prison. They had a good look around before the blonde turned to Rick, "Think about it. The fences will keep the hoard out. It will keep all the others out."

Rick nodded before turning to the others, "Grab your weapons and follow me."

He cut the metal wire from the fence with pliers while everyone kept an eye out for other walkers. Once the hole was big enough, everyone piled in the alley that surrounded the prison. Caroline and Daryl quickly closed the hole with orange wire before catching up to the others.

They quickly caught the attention of other walkers from both sides of the alley as they ran towards the front entrance with Caroline leading them.

"It's perfect." Rick stated as they stood by the entrance to the courtyard, "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked,

Caroline stepped forward, "I'll do it. You guys cover me."

Maggie shook her head, "No, it's a suicide run."

"I'm the fastest." Caroline looked over at the Asian boy, "No offence, Glenn."

"No, you've done enough, Care. Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog, and Beth draw as many as you can over there," Rick ordered pointing to the far fence, "pop them through the fence. Daryl, you and Caroline go back to the other tower." Rick said, handing the blonde a rifle, "Carol, you've become a pretty good shot, take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Go with Hershel and Carl, take this tower."

Everybody ran to get into their position, Caroline running with Daryl back towards where they came from and got into the tower as quick as they could. 

The group began yelling and killing walkers through the fence, trying to distract as many as they could while Lori opened the door for Rick.

He ran towards the prison, shooting any walkers who got in his way. Caroline followed Rick with her scope, making sure to take down any walkers that got close to him.

However, the walkers were more distracted by Rick than they were the others. They began to turn away, no matter how loud the group on the ground were yelling.

Rick kicked away some walkers before closing the gate. He grabbed his gun, shooting a walker before getting into the nearest tower.

Caroline smiled over at Daryl, "He did it."

"Light it up!" Daryl told the others.

Everyone got their guns out and shot at the walkers. They didn't stop until the last one hit the ground.

"Good job, girl." Daryl patted her on the back, "Let's get into that yard."

"Fantastic!" Carol smiled as they all grouped back up, "You okay?" She asked Lori, who was standing by the gate,

"I haven't felt this good in weeks."

Caroline squeezed the woman's arm before they all entered the courtyard.

"We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!" 

Caroline grabbed one of Daryl's bolts from the head of a dead walker and handed it back to him, "You did good." He smirked at her.

"I did do good. For once, I felt like I really made a contribution to the group. That maybe I could do this."

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